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Q: Which of the below is not a requirement for binomial experiment?
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What is an example of a binomial experiment?

A binomial experiment is a experiment that consists of repeated trails, with two possible outcomes. An example of this would be a coin toss.Ê

How many outcomes are there in a binomial experiment?


A binomial experiment has how many outcomes to each trial?

two; success or failure

When is binomial distribution used?

Binomial distribution is learned about in most statistic courses. You could use them in experiments when there are two possible outcomes and each experiment is independent.

Can a binomial experiment be used to find the probability of 4 outcomes of .20 and 16?

If the question is about 4 successful outcomes out of 16 trials, when the probability of success in any single trial is 0.20 and independent of the outcomes of other trials, then the answer is, yes, the binomial experiment can be used.

Are outcomes of binomial experiment dependent on each other?

No, the outcomes of a binomial experiment are considered independent if the probability of success remains the same for each trial and the trials are performed under the same conditions. Each trial's outcome does not influence the outcome of subsequent trials.

When was Experiment Below created?

Experiment Below was created on 1998-09-22.

Does the development of scientific knowledge require experiment's?

Yes, that is a requirement of the scientific technique.

What is the independent variable in Todd's experiment?

There is no independent variable for the experiment described below, since there is no experiment described below.

Is this number a monomial or binomial or trinomial 30x6-1?

Binomial. Binomial. Binomial. Binomial.

What does the random variable (r) for a binomial experiment of n trials represent?

It can represent anything you want it to. The conventional use is that it represents the number of successes.

What are the requirements for the binomial probability distribution?

The requirements are that there are repeated trials of the same experiment, that each trial is independent and that the probability of success remains the same.