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Most states rely heavily on local property taxes.

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Fang Merrill

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Q: Which of the following is a factor in the inequity of educational resources in wealthier and poorer districts?
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What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word wealthy?

wealthier, wealthiest

What kind of furniture was used in Jesus' time?

A poor family did not have much in the way of furniture. The wealthier a person was the more furniture he would have in his house. A bed, table, candlestick (lamp), perhaps a low sofa or divan, which also served as a bed, stools, chests for storage, pillows, carpets, and blankets, eating and cooking utensils.

What if any is the meaning of finding 8 dimes and 5 pennies in 2 days?

Well, I suppose the most prominent meaning would be that you're ninety cents wealthier! Now it's up to you to decide whether you're to use the ninety cents as a seed to plant, or a jolly to consume. Some people simply don't know how to make sense out of cents!

How is the currency exchange rate calculated?

There are various factors that determine an exchange rate. Trade value, inflation, and interest rates, to name a few. These are basic principles to help understand the concept. Let's work in a closed vacuum and assume there is no inflation between two countries or any other factors and examine fluctuations based on wealth and trade. We begin with country A, which lets call the USA and country B which we call Britain. Lets imagine that 1 UD Dollar = 1 British Pound. Now let's say that the Americans own $100 and the British own 100 Pounds. If America buys $5 worth of product from Britain, America would have $95 and Britain would have 105 Pounds. Suddenly Britain becomes wealthier. In theory Britain is approximately 10% wealthier now. (100/95x105=10.52%) So suddenly $1 would be worth around 1 Pound and 10 Pence. This is the principle of trade surpluses and trade deficits and wealth within a currency. Now let's imagine that America and Britain each have $100 again. Let's say that over 1 year, prices in America stayed the same but in Britain, prices went up 5%. We would now have an effect where Britain is 5% poorer then America and $1 would be now worth 1 Pound and 5 Pence. This is where interest rates are determined. Britain could have helped keep $1 worth 1 Pound by having an Interest rate of 5%. Interest rates are determined normally by a Reserve Bank governor that determines economic policy for a currency. Interest rates can also be manipulated to stimulate an economy by strengthening or weakening a currency. Now we can also consider what would happen if Britain deicide to print twice as much money as it had before. If America and Britain each has $100 and 100 Pounds each respectively, and Britain decided to print 200 Pounds in an attempt to get wealthier, suddenly $1 would equal 50 pence. However if Britain had found 100 Pounds of gold and was worth 200 Pounds, then $1 would still equal 1 Pound. Very basically, this is how the system works, however is much more complex in reality. I hope this gives a basic understanding of the principles. Cecil Pickard-Brown

What is the clear definition for the J curve?

The J-Curve, as posited by Ian Bremmer in "The J Curve: A New Way to Understand Why Nations Rise and Fall" says that if you plot political openness on the horizontal axis and a society's stability on the vertical axis, the resulting graph will have a J shape. This is, very repressive regimes are very stable. However, as they begin to become more open (move to the right horizontally), they become less stable initially (move down vertically), reach a point of minimum stability, then become more stable. This may explain why some very repressive regimes (Iran, North Korea) may be more stable than some partially-open countries. Also, other factors can affect the overall shape and position of the J curve. A a country gets wealthier, the entire J-curve can shift upwards, increasing stability at every point.

Related questions

Why do some state supreme courts rule against using the property tax to pay for local school?

State supreme courts may rule against using property taxes to fund local schools because it can create disparities in funding between wealthy and poor communities, leading to unequal educational opportunities. This goes against the principle of providing equal educational opportunities for all students as required by state constitutions. Courts may also find that heavy reliance on property taxes to fund schools does not ensure adequate and equitable funding.

Botswana is wealthier than Malawi largely because Botswana has?

Although it is smaller, it has more natural resources, such as diamonds and coal.

In The Hunger Games what is the group called that have everything?

I think you mean the Career pack. The Career pack come from the wealthier districts where it is a great honor to be a tribute and they spend their entire lives training to be one.

Was the Union or the Confederacy wealthier during the Civil War?

The Union, their greater economic resources were an important factor in the outcome of the war. Michael Montagne

How are the districs in the Hunger Games set up?

There are 12 Districts in the nation of Panem. Each district specializes in an industry. Wealthier districts have smaller numbers (1, 2, 3, 4) while poorer districts have larger numbers (8, 9, 10, 11, 12). According to the Hunger Games, there are 12 districts ringed around a shining Capitol. The Capitol itself is located in the Rockies, and District 12 is located somewhere in the Appalachian Mountains. Not much more information is given as to the location of districts or how they are spread across North America.

What role does natural resources play in a country's economy?

Natural resources play a crucial role in a country's economy by providing raw materials for industries, generating revenue through exports, and contributing to employment opportunities. Countries rich in natural resources like oil, minerals, and agricultural products can benefit from higher revenues and potential economic growth. However, reliance on natural resources can also make economies vulnerable to fluctuations in commodity prices.

How do you use the word wealthier in a sentence?

I can give you several sentences.He is much wealthier than I am.I would like to become wealthier.If you save your money, you will be wealthier.

What is the comparative form of wealthy?

"Wealthier" is the comparative form of wealthy. The superlative is "wealthiest."

An Economic systems in which colonies supply goods to the mother country is called what?

Mercantile system. The concept is that by keeping the resources of colonies for itself, the home country can become wealthier and more powerful.

What are the comparative and superlative forms of the word wealthier?

"Wealthier" is the comparative form of wealthy. The superlative form is wealthiest.

What is comparative of wealthy?


Comparative of wealthy?
