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"thinly the fell, like rat-trails, one by one"

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Q: Which of the following quotations from The Prologue is the best example of imagery?
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Related questions

What is example imagery?

an example of imagery is whatever that has to do with the formation of mental images

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What is the following is a term for visual imagery with symbolic implications?

Iconography is a term for visual imagery with symbolic implications.

Is forget an example of imagery?

Not really, no.

Is Respite an example of imagery?

Not really, no.

Can i have a copy of Mark's Vividness of Visual Imagery questionnaire with the interpretation?

can you give me 5 example of the imagery

What has the author Andrew E Schwartz written?

Andrew E. Schwartz has written: 'Paradigms PowerPoint Quotes' 'Problem Solving PowerPoint Content' 'Writing PowerPoint Quotes' 'Understanding Quotations' 'Trust Quotations' 'Delegation PowerPoint Content' 'Improvement Quotations' 'Curiosity Quotations' 'Assertiveness PowerPoint Content' 'Leadership PowerPoint Content' 'Goal Setting PowerPoint Content' 'Choice Quotations' 'Challenging Employees PowerPoint Quotes' 'Management PowerPoint Quotes' 'Talent Quotations' 'Ability Quotations' 'Communication Skills PowerPoint Quotes' 'How to prepare and deliver dynamic presentations' -- subject(s): Training, Handbooks, manuals 'Guided imagery for groups' -- subject(s): Imagery (Psychology), Visualization, Problems, exercises, Meditation, Self-actualization (Psychology) 'Integrity Quotations' 'Sales PowerPoint Content' 'Negotiation PowerPoint Quotes' 'Perfection Quotations' 'Knowledge Quotations' 'Purpose Quotations' 'Memory PowerPoint Quotes' 'Perseverance Quotations' 'Meetings PowerPoint Quotes' 'Stress Management PowerPoint Content' 'Adversity Quotations' 'Empowerment PowerPoint Quotes' 'Thought Quotations' 'School for Managers' 'Gender Differences PowerPoint Quotes' 'Discipline PowerPoint Quotes' 'Imagination Quotations' 'Procrastination PowerPoint Content' 'Delegating authority' -- subject(s): Delegation of authority 'Cheerfulness Quotations' 'Trying Quotations' 'Truth Quotations' 'Hope Quotations' 'Initiative Quotations' 'Assertiveness PowerPoint Quotes' 'Laughter Quotations' 'Delegation PowerPoint Quotes' 'Interviewing PowerPoint Content' 'Change PowerPoint Content' 'Management, Business, and Professional Development PowerPoint Quotes on 43 Topics' 'Supervision PowerPoint Quotes' 'Customer Service PowerPoint Content' 'Communication PowerPoint Content' 'Adult Learners PowerPoint Quotes' 'Goal Setting PowerPoint Quotes' 'Obstacles Quotations'

What is nautical imagery?

Nautical imagery is imagery in relation to the sea or sea mammals for example, "Taming a sea horse" (My Last Duchess) hope that helps! :)

An example for imagery?

Imagery is a literary device that authors use to provide vivid description to the reader. There are seven types of imagery, and each corresponds to a sense or feeling. An example of visual imagery would be: The bright yellow flowers looked buttery against the fresh blue sky.

What is an example for the word imagery?

he flew like a dove

What is an example of an imagery in Romeo and Juliet?

An example of imagery in Romeo and Juliet is seen in Romeo's description of Juliet as the sun in Act 2, Scene 2 when he says "But, soft! What light through yonder window breaks? It is the east, and Juliet is the sun." This imagery creates a sense of brightness and warmth associated with Juliet, emphasizing her beauty and importance to Romeo.

Is pedaling a simile or metaphor?

It is actualy neither. It is an example of imagery.