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Q: Which of the four goal of progression do you feel is most important and why?
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What was the term data independence mean and why is it important goal?

means data is not dependent on the other data. why? because it makes easier for you

What are short corners hockey?

A short corner is a penalty which will be given when their is a foul in the D .the team with the short corner will have one person anout five meters from the goal on the right side and people all around the circle trying to shoot a goal while there will be four defenders in the goal thatwill run out as soon as the ball as hit and all they oyher deffenders will come from the halfway line

Keys to S.M.A.R.T. Goal Setting?

Millions of individuals want to set a goal each and every day. Whether an individual wants to create a personal, professional or academic goal, SMART goal setting can help any individual reach a goal that is important to them. Here are a few of the keys to SMART goal setting. First, individuals need to understand what the SMART goal setting process is. Specific, Measurable, Attainable, Realistic and Timely are the requirements for any goal that is developed under the SMART goal setting process. Specific goals are those that are clearly defined and emphasize what the goal setter wants to happen. Specific goals can be measured or timed so that benchmarks may be established when individuals are pursuing the goal. An example of a specific goal could be a person stating that they want to lose fifteen pounds by July 4th 2011. Measurable goals are similar to specific goals. Individuals who set measurable goals are able to measure their results. An example could be an individual who sets a goal of reading five 1000 page books by the end of the year. Progress is easy to measure as the year progresses. Individuals know that they need to read a certain amount of pages by a certain date. Attainable goals are also very important. There are some types of goal setters who set goals that see almost impossible to achieve. While there may be some goals that are more difficult to achieve, individuals can still set attainable goals by using smaller goals. For example, setting a goal to lose 50 pounds may sound impossible. However, setting a goal to lose five pounds at a time may make the goal seem more attainable. Realistic goals are also very important. Setting a goal to become a singer in the 1950's is going to be difficult because time travel is not possible yet! However, just because a goal may not seem possible to achieve does not mean that the goal is not realistic. Individuals who find it difficult to set realistic goals should still set the goal and see if they can make progress towards it! Timely goals means that the person with the goal says when they want to achieve the goal by. Do you want to lose twenty pounds by the end of the summer? Do you want to go to Europe within five years? Set a timely goal and achieve it!

What is the goal and purpose of statistics?

what is the goal of statistics

What if their goal is 25000 and they raised 22500 then what fraction of their goal have they reached?

They have reached 22500/25000 = 9/10 of thier goal.

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What does the word 'counterproductive' mean?

Counterproductive is the to not make progress. To hinder the progression of a goal instead of attaining goals. To hinder instead of help or to defeat a goal.

What is important when setting a goal?

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What would be the four most important positions to fill in a new football team?

goal keeper, centre, defence and attacker

When some scores a goal how do they feel?

They feel awesome!

How important in boosting ones goal in life?

it is important because you goal

Why is winning a softball game important to you?

it is important because because it makes you feel good, it shows that the team has worked well together and that it makes you feel proud of yourself and your team for working towards your goal and finally reaching, is a great feeling(:

What does achieving a goal feel like?

Achieving a goal makes people feel happy. The feeling of achievement brings satisfaction and pride.

In act four Juliet's major goal is to?

In the first three scenes of Act Four, Juliet's major goal is to avoid marrying Paris. For the remainder of Act Four she is unconscious. In that state she doesn't have much of a goal at all.

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Where you can find that your target is your lord Jesus?

To find that your target is Jesus, you have to feel it in your heart. It is important to have goals, and knowing that Jesus is your ultimate goal is something that you set yourself.

What was an overall goal of the Four Modernizations?

The Four Modernizations were intended to improve the economy.

How many positions are allowed to enter the semi-circle in a game of netball?

four positions are allowed into the semi circle also known as the "D" or "goal circle". those positions are GD (goal defense) GA (goal attack) GK (goal keeper) and GS (goal shooter)