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Q: Which of these dinosaurs was 30 to 35 feet long walked on 2 legs and weighed more than 1 ton?
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Which of these dinosaurs was thirty to thirty five feet long walked on two legs and weighed over one ton?


How many legs did your dinosaur stand on?

Mos species of dinosaur walked on 4 legs, but some, including all carnivorous dinosaurs, walked on 2 legs.

What were the first dinosaurs to walk upright?

The ancestors of dinosaurs walked upright before they evolved into true dinosaurs. The earliest known dinosaur, Eoraptor, walked with upright legs underneath its body.

Are there any carnivores that walk on 4 legs?

No carnivorous dinosaurs walked on four legs. Some famous carnivorous reptiles that predate dinosaurs are often mistakenly called dinosaurs. An example is the Dimetrodon.

How did Dinosaurs move?

with there legs or wings depending on what dinasour they were (Y)

How many legs did dinosaurs have?

All dinosaurs had four limbs. Some dinosaurs, like Tyrannosaurus and Allosaurus, were bipeds, which means that they only walked using their two hind limbs. Other dinosaurs, like Stegosaurus, Ankylosaurus, and Diplodocus, always walked on all four limbs, making them quadrupeds. And some dinosaurs walked on all fours, but ran on their two hind legs. Examples of such dinosaurs include Igaunodon and Parasaurolophus.

Were all carnivore dinosaurs walk on two legs?

No, not all carnivorous dinosaurs walked on two legs. Some carnivorous dinosaurs, like the theropods, were bipedal, walking on two legs. However, others, such as the ceratosaurs, were quadrupedal, walking on four legs.

How do spinosaurus move?

Like other terrestrial animals, Spinosaurus walked on land using its legs and feet. Like other theropods, or meat eating dinosaurs, Spinosaurus was bipedal.

How many legs did the earliest dinosaurs walk on?

The Oldest Dinosaur fossil ever found was a omniraptor, and it walked on two legs.

Does a velociraptor walk on four legs?

No, it possessed two massive legs and two small arms.

How did the triceratrops move?

Like most dinosaurs. It WALKED you know with it's legs. Jesus, some people are thick

What were dinosaurs that walked on four legs called?

Any animal that walks on four legs is called quadrupedal. Quadrupedal dinosaurs include sauropods, stegosaurs, ceratopsians, and ankylosaurs. Hadrosaurs could were usually quadrupedal, but could walk, stand, or run on two legs.