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the money a person earns or is given over the course of a lifetime

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Q: Which of these is the best description of personal finance?
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What is the best description of personal finance?

the money a person earns or is given over the course of a lifetime

What is personal finance?

Personal finance is 2 and personal. The finance thing is money. Money is logical and financial success requires that you pursue specific behaviors to properly manage your money to that end. One of those specific behaviors is using the dynamics of compound interest and compounding financial gains. There are 3 finance tools...the personal budget, the personal balance sheet and the personal life plan. For success you need to spend less than you make (budget), own more than you owe (balance sheet) and know where you are going or you might not get there (life plan). The personal thing is your human psychology and how it affects your capacity to manage money and engage in the specific behaviors that result in financial success. The psychological is affected by IQ, age, addictions, mental illness and a built in capacity to make excuses for financial shortcomings. Put this together and you have personal finance. Personal Finance are those loan/finance that you need for some business or personal use. There are many types of loans available in the financial market. You may use personal loans for getting home, starting a business and buying a car.

What has the author W L Dorries written?

W. L. Dorries has written: 'Personal finance; consuming, saving, and investing' -- subject(s): Personal Finance 'Economics for modern agriculture' -- subject(s): Agriculture, Economic aspects of Agriculture

Which is the best description of a line segment?

The shortest path between two points

What is the best description of median salary?

the mid-point of salaries for any particular...

Related questions

What is the best description of personal finance?

the money a person earns or is given over the course of a lifetime

What are some of the best personal finance websites?

Some of the best personal finance sites are USA Today, Personal Capital, MSN Money, and PC Mag. These are the best finance sites and they give you the option to track your finances properly.

What is the best free personal finance software?

tally 9.0

What is the best place to go to for more information on personal finance retirement?

Using the following link, you will find out all you need to know on personal finance retirement, such as the rates and plans!

What has the author Ronald J Chewning written?

Ronald J. Chewning has written: 'Life at its best' 'Becoming Money Wise' -- subject(s): Christianity, Finance, Personal, Personal Finance, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Personal finance

Where can you get online information on Wachovia personal finance?

To use the online Wachovia personal finance, it is best to begin with your local branch. They will give you all the information you need to use their online finance options to their fullest. They will give you personal, one on one service before you get started.

What has the author Matt Schoenfeld written?

Matt Schoenfeld has written: 'Living debt free' -- subject(s): Debt, Finance, Personal, Personal Finance, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Personal finance 'Managing your money' -- subject(s): Finance, Personal, Personal Finance, Religious aspects, Religious aspects of Personal finance

What are the pros and cons of municipal bonds?

You can read about the pros and cons of municipal bonds at › Best Personal Finance. Another good site is › Personal Finance › Investing › Bonds

When was International Personal Finance created?

International Personal Finance was created in 1997.

When was Personal Software Finance created?

Personal Software Finance was created in 2008.

What is Personal Software Finance's population?

Personal Software Finance's population is 7.

What is the best company offering bridging finance?

According to their web page MT finance was offered an award as best bridging finance company in the UK. Bridging Finance Limited and 1st Bridge are also well know names in the field. Best of course would completely depend on your personal needs.