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Q: Which one is equivalent to multiplying by 2Left shifting a number by 1 or Left shifting an unsigned int or char by 1?
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What is the effect of shifting an unsigned number in a register two bits to the right?

The number is divided by 4.

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Because the decimal system is based on 10 ("decem" = 10 )

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It is equivalent to multiplying by the cube of that number.

How do you find an equivalent fraction by multiplying?

Multiply the numerator and the denominator by the same number.

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Because if you are multiplying a number, x, three times it is the formula of multiplying a cube!

Why does multiplying give you an equivalent fraction?

it is the Same Number Just 2,3,4.... Times As Much

Difference between signed number from unsigned number?

a signed number is one that can be negative (have a sign) whereas an unsigned number will only be positive. due to less information, you can double the largest number storable in a signed integer to get the data available in an unsigned integer. However, PHP doesn't have unsigned integers, they're all signed.

What if -1 is assigned to a unsigned variable in C plus plus?

If you assign -1 to a unsigned variable it will contain the biggest number its able to hold. For example if you assign -1 to a unsigned int it will be 4294967295 as its the biggest number a unsigned int can hold.

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6/18 and 9/ can find out equivalent fractions by multiplying the numerator (top number) by the same number as the denominator (bottom number)

How the multiplication could be reduced to addition doubling halving?

Doubling a number means multiplying it by 2. This is equivalent to adding the number to itself. Halving means dividing by 2. This is equivalent to multiplying by 1/2 (or by 0.5); since this is not an integer, it can't be reduced to addition.

What is a program that calculates the sum of any 5 digit integer number entered by user?

#include<iostream> unsigned sum_of_digits(unsigned num) { unsigned sum = 0; do { sum += num%10; } while (num/=10); return sum; } int main() { unsigned number = 12345; unsigned sum = sum_of_digits (number); std::cout << "Sum of digits in " << number << " is " << sum << std::endl; }

How you could use doubling to find the product 13 X 4?

Doubling a number is equivalent to multiplying by 2. Doubling twice (doubling, and then doubling the result again) is equivalent to multiplying by 4. (Also, doubling three times is the same as multiplying by 8, doubling 4 times is the same as multiplying by 16, etc.)