1 and a 1/2 is greater than 3/4
1 and 2/4 is greater than 1/2
2/4 is greater than 1/4. When you compare fractions with like denominators, the greater numerator is the greater number.
Four tenths is greater.
2/10 is greater.
1 and a 1/2 is greater than 3/4
1 and 2/4 is greater than 1/2
Six tenths is greater.Six tenths is greater
2/4 is greater than 1/4. When you compare fractions with like denominators, the greater numerator is the greater number.
Four tenths is greater.
No. It will take 2 one fourths to make one half.
Two fourths and one half are exactly the same.
2/10 is greater.
2 tenths= 20 cents 10 hundredths= 10 cents 2 tenths is greater
They are equal. Neither is larger. :)
I have heard of a cheese grater but never a one half grater.But the answer to the question that you probably wanted to ask but didn't, is:No, one half is not greater than three fourths.