9/10 is more than 7/10 For fractions having the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator will be greater.
5 over 8 is greater than 7 over 16.
6 over 7 is greater!
7 over 10 is greater. If you put both of these numbers in decimal you will get 7 over 10 as .7 and 3 over 10 as .3 The number 7 is greater than 3 so 7 over 10 is greater than 3 over 10.
7/8 is greater.
9/10 is more than 7/10 For fractions having the same denominator, the one with the larger numerator will be greater.
5 over 8 is greater than 7 over 16.
6 over 7
7 over 12, 1 over 2 is the same and .5. 7 over than 12 is one-twelfth greater than one half.
7 over 8 7/8 = 0.875 and is greater than 0.8
4/1 in eights is 32/8 which is greater than 7/8.
No, 1/7 is less than 2/7. 2/7 is two times greater than 1/7.
6 over 7 is greater!
7 over 10 is greater. If you put both of these numbers in decimal you will get 7 over 10 as .7 and 3 over 10 as .3 The number 7 is greater than 3 so 7 over 10 is greater than 3 over 10.
7/8 is greater.