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30 celsius is hotter (30 C = 86 F)

F =1.8C + 32 = (1.8 X 30) + 32 = 86

30F is equal to -1C. 30C is equal to 86F.

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Q: Which one is hotter 30 Celsius or 30 ferinhite?
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How do you know which is hotter 30 degrees celsius or 30 degrees Fahrenheit?

30 degrees Celsius is hotter because 0 degrees Celsius = 32 degrees Fahrenheit.

Which is hotter 30 degree celsius or 30 degree Fahrenheit?

30 degrees celsius

Which is hotter 30C or 30F?

30 degrees Celsius is hotter than 30 degrees Fahrenheit. 30C is equivalent to 86F, so it is warmer by 56 degrees.

Which is hotter 30 degrees Celsius or 30 degrees Fahrenheit how do you know?

The freezing point of water is zero Celsius or 32 Fahrenheit. 30 F is below freezing, 30 C is above it. 30 C is hotter.

Is the sun or the earths core hotter?

The sun's core is hotter, it is about 30 billion degrees Celsius.

Is 80 degrees Celsius hotter than 50 degrees Celsius?

Yes, 80 degrees Celsius is hotter than 50 degrees Celsius. The difference between them is 30 degrees.

Is 30 degree celsius hotter than 83 degree fahrenheit?

There equal

Which would be hotter 35 degrees Celsius or 35 degrees Fahrenheit and why?

30 C. is a heat wave, but 30 F is just below freezing. So 30 C is hotter by far.

How is 30 degree celcuis hotter then 30 degree fahrenhit?

30 degrees Celsius is equal to 86 degrees Fahrenheit. The difference in temperature between 30 degrees Celsius and 30 degrees Fahrenheit is 56 degrees Fahrenheit.

Is Fahrenheit or Celsius hotter?

Fahrenheit and Celsius are two different temperature scales used to measure temperature. In terms of comparing the scales, the boiling point of water in Fahrenheit is 212 degrees, while in Celsius it is 100 degrees. As such, Fahrenheit generally has higher numerical values for temperature readings compared to Celsius.

What is the temperature in Canada in the summer?

from around +10 to +30 plus 30 degrees (Celsius)

Is 35 degrees Celsius hotter than 5 degrees Celsius?

Yes, 35 degrees Celsius is 30 degrees hotter than 5 degrees Celsius.