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Q: Which one of the ten digits is the last to appear in the units position of a number in the Fibonacci sequence?
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It is the Fibonacci sequence. Whereby each number is the sum of the preceding two numbers. The next digits are 13(5+8) 21 (13+8)etc.

What are the first 900 numbers of the Fibonacci sequence?

The list is too big to put here -- the 900th Fibonacci number alone has 188 digits. You can get a full list in the reference site posted below, by generating 900 entries.

Does the sequence 123456789 appear in the Pi sequence?

Yes, but not in the first 200000000 digits, so it was really hard to find. Published by an eleven year old.

What is the number in a a sequence?

The one closest to the Middle if your sequence is of an even set of digits. The median will be a specific number if you have a sequence of odd digits.

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The one closest to the Middle if your sequence is of an even set of digits. The median will be a specific number if you have a sequence of odd digits.

What Fibonacci number which is also prime?

The first few Fibonacci primes are 2, 3, 5, 13, 89. Fibonacci primes with thousands of digits have been found but it is not known whether there are infinitely many (Wikipedia, see link).

What is the largest known Fibonacci prime?

As of November 2009, the largest known certain Fibonacci prime is F81839, with 17,103 digits. It was proved prime by David Broadhurst and Bouk de Water in 2001. The largest known probable Fibonacci prime is F1968721. It has 411,439 digits and was found by Henri Lifchitz in 2009. Source: see related links, below.

What is the nth term of sequence 392781243...?

The question does not contain a sequence but a single large number whose digits are the digits of the sequence, 3n run together. There is only one number, not a sequence, so there is no nth term.

What are the possible sequence variations of a 5 digit sequence using the numbers 1 to 6 when the first 3 digits in the sequence are 345?

if repeating is allowed... 36 (6x6, for the last two digits) If not, 6 (3x2, last two digits)

What are consecutive digits?

the numbers 0 through 9 written in sequence or any portion of that sequence

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It has not yet been proven whether any arbitrary sequence of digits appears somewhere in the decimal expansion of pi.

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The sum of the digits in odd position minus the sum of the digits in even position is divisible by 11.