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Q: Which operator is used to determine that the operands are not exactly of the same value?
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What are the rules for negative and positive integers multiplying and dividing?

The absolute value (that is the numerical value ignoring the sign) of the result is the operation done on the absolute value of the operands. If the signs of the operands are the same the result will be positive; otherwise the signs of the operands are different and the result will be negative. eg -2 × 5: the operands are of opposite signs (one positive, one negative), so the result will be negative and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × 5 = -10; eg -2 × -5: the operands are of the same sign (both negative), so the result will be positive, and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × -5 = 10; eg 10 ÷ -5; the operands are of opposite signs, so the result will be negative and 10 ÷ 5 = 2, thus 10 ÷ -5 = -2.

What is the value of 3x 4 -7 when x9?

Unfortunately, the browser used by for posting questions is incapable of accepting mathematical symbols. This means that we cannot see the mathematically critical parts of the question. We are, therefore unable to determine what exactly the question is about and so cannot give a proper answer to your question. Please edit your question to include words for symbols and resubmit.There is no visible operator between 3x and 4, for example.

What is the value of 6412?

The value of 6412 is exactly 6412!

What is numeric value of 10000?

The numeric value is exactly 10000.

What is the exactly value of pi?

The exact value of pi is the ratio of the circumference of a circle to its diameter. It cannot be printed exactly in numbers.

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Which operator is used to determine if the operands are not exactly of the same value?

!= is the correct operator.

What is the function of plus sign?

The "plus sign" (+) is an operator that, by default, takes the left and right operands as parameters, and returns the sum of both operands as the return value.

What is operand in c plus plus?

An operand is the value that is being operated upon by an operator. For instance, the C++ increment operator (++) is a unary operator, which means it has only one operand, the variable that we wish to increment. This in the expression x++, x is the operand. The addition operator (+) is a binary operator and therefore has two operands. Thus in the expression x + y, x and y are the operands.

What is the definition for and?

Conjunction Used to connect words of the same part of speech, clauses, or sentences that are to be taken jointly: "bread and butter". Noun A Boolean operator that gives the value one if and only if all the operands are one and otherwise has a value of zero.

What is the difference between the assignment operator and the equals operator?

The quality operator and the assignment operator are binary operators; they have two operands, one on either side of the operator. The equality operator is a Boolean operator which compares the two operands, returning true if they have the same logical state, otherwise false. E.g., x==y returns true if x and y have the same logical state, otherwise false. The operator is commutative, such that x==y is the same as y==x. The assignment operator sets the value of the left operand to that of the right operand, such that they both have the same logical state. After assignment, the left operand is returned. E.g., x=y returns x while y=x returns y. After the assignment, x==y must be true.

Which operand should be passed in the binary overloaded operator function as a second operand?

The right-hand operand; the r-value of the operator. Unary operators have one operand while tertiary operators have three operands. All binary operators have two operands, the l-value and the r-value. The l-value is the operand to the left of the operator while the r-value is the operand to the right of the operator. Thus, in the expression x + y, x is the l-value while y is the r-value. When overloading binary operators in a class, you need only specify the r-value. The l-value is the instance of the class to which the operator applies and therefore does not need to be specified. For instance: class MyClass { public: MyClass(int data=0):m_data(data){} // default constructor int operator+ (const int rhs) const {return(m_data+rhs);} private: int m_data; }; While this allows you to return the sum of your class instance and an integer, it does not allow you to return the sum of an integer and an instance of your class. For example: MyClass obj(5); int x = 10; int y = obj + x; // OK! y is 15. int z = x + obj; // Compiler error! No operator exists that accepts an r-value of type MyClass. To fix this error and allow for two-way addition, you must declare a binary operator overload outside of the class. You cannot do it inside the class because the l-value is an int, not an instance of MyClass. The external overload requires two parameters, the l-value and the r-value of the operator: int operator+(const int lhs,const MyClass& rhs) {return(rhs+lhs);} Note that the implementation simply reverses the operands. This is functionally equivalent to making the following explicit call: return(rhs.operator+(lhs)); Note also that since MyClass::operator+ is a public operator of MyClass, this overload does not need to be declared a friend of MyClass (a common misconception). However, the overload must be declared in the same file where the class is declared since it is only of relevance to MyClass but should be made available wherever MyClass is accessible.

What operator is best to determine whether x contains a value in the range of 10 through 57?

Not to answer, but to clarify this question this would be operators such as *and* *or* *==* *not*

What are the rules for negative and positive integers multiplying and dividing?

The absolute value (that is the numerical value ignoring the sign) of the result is the operation done on the absolute value of the operands. If the signs of the operands are the same the result will be positive; otherwise the signs of the operands are different and the result will be negative. eg -2 × 5: the operands are of opposite signs (one positive, one negative), so the result will be negative and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × 5 = -10; eg -2 × -5: the operands are of the same sign (both negative), so the result will be positive, and 2 × 5 = 10, thus -2 × -5 = 10; eg 10 ÷ -5; the operands are of opposite signs, so the result will be negative and 10 ÷ 5 = 2, thus 10 ÷ -5 = -2.

What is the return type of and operator in c?

There are two AND operators in C, logical AND (&&) and bitwise AND (&). The return type for logical AND is always bool, however logical AND only works when both operands can be implicitly cast to bool. The value 0 is always regarded as being false while all non-zero values are regarded as being true. The return type for bitwise AND is that of the largest of its two operands. For instance, the return type of int & char is int (same as the l-value) while the return type of char & int is also int (same as the r-value).

Why to take two arguments in binary operator overloading using friend function?

Binary operators require two operands (l-value and r-value) and therefore require two arguments when overloading via external functions. When overloading class member operators, the l-value is the class instance itself (the implicit this pointer), therefore only the r-value need be given as an argument.

Which value is modified by an operator?

The value of the variable which is on the left side of the assignment operator. Example: a = 2

What is economic worth of a synthetic diamond?

The value of a synthetic diamond is not as easy to determine as that of a real diamond. It's value may be exactly what a buyer will pay you for the stone.