It is closest to 69.
515 is closest to 500.
By which fraction is closest to "60," I assume you mean which fraction is closest to 60 %. The answer would be 3/5ths.
To which decimal place? Closest Integer: 0 Closest Tenth: .1 Closest Hundreth: .10
The closest is 376401/1000000.
Othe's population is 32.
The area of Othe is 2,970,000.0 square meters.
power test
they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels? they breed with othe gulper female eels?
Aix-en-Othe's population is 2,400.
Nogent-en-Othe's population is 35.
Bercenay-en-Othe's population is 389.
Bœurs-en-Othe's population is 324.
The population of Bucey-en-Othe is 426.
The population of Villemoiron-en-Othe is 222.
Coursan-en-Othe's population is 99.
Maraye-en-Othe's population is 501.