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Q: Which pair of variables has a clear causal link between the two named variables?
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Who invented variables in math?

A 19TH century pioneer woman named Mary Somerville invented Variables. She was a Scientist and a mathematician.

What is constant and variable?

A variable is a named object that is mutable. A constant is a named object that is immutable.

What assigns the sum of two Integer variables named score1 and score2 to the Text property of the answerText-box The application contains the Option Strict On statement?

The answer follows.

Why must numeric values be assigned to variables when comparing results?

In order to compare any two values, both values must be stored somewhere otherwise it would be impossible for the machine to refer to those values let alone operate upon them. Typically we store variables in main memory, however values can also be stored directly in the machine's registers. These are known as register variables and the only practical difference between a register variable and an ordinary variable is that we cannot take the memory address of a register variable (because it has no address to take).If we can take the address of a variable then that variable is said to have identity because it exists in memory and we can identify it solely by its address. When comparing values that have identity, we can either compare the values themselves or we can compare their identities. The latter helps us determine whether two values are the same variable or not.The address of a variable may or may not be known at compile time. If the address is known at compile time then we can name the variable and refer to it by either its name or its address. Variables generated at runtime are anonymous and can only be referred to by their address (which we must store in another variable known as a pointer variable). Conversely, register variables must always be named, but they have no identity.Regardless of whether a variable has a name, an identity, or both, the machine simply cannot operate upon values without using variables.

What does 5 called in 3.5 ...3 is called whole number but what does 5 called?

d If I am reading your question right I believe the #5 would be named HALF. The decimal is the actual dot between the three and the five. The whole number would be named three and a half...hope this helps.

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Who invented variables in math?

A 19TH century pioneer woman named Mary Somerville invented Variables. She was a Scientist and a mathematician.

What are global variables explain with examples?

Variables that the program can use everywhere in the program. Example: int x = 5; int main(void) { x = 6; foo(); return 0; } void foo(void) { x = 5; }

When you write programs you work with data in three different forms?

Variables, Literals, and Named constants.

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What are variables and how are they used in programming?

Variables are named memory locations that may be used to store and retrieve values for use later on in a program. They are like memory locations you have in your brain to remember certain things. Variables may (in general) store a single value at a time, but may be erased with other values (one at a time).

What is constant and variable?

A variable is a named object that is mutable. A constant is a named object that is immutable.

Meaning of pranjal is?

Pranjal means clear thinking and is usually named to children in India.

What was shapleys contribution to astronomy?

In 1918 he used Cepheid variables to estimate the size of the Milky Way. The Shapley Supercluster of galaxies is named after him as well.

Why should variables be declared in a programming?

a variable should in a programming because as the definition implies it is a named location in the memory where all the data is to be stored