The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
It is the denominator
The denominator is the lower part of a fraction as for example in the fraction 3/4 the denominator is 4 and the numerator is 3
A denominator is a common part of a mathematical equation. The denominator is found below the line of a fraction. In 1/4, the number 4 is the denominator.
The numerator is the top which is the part of the fraction and the denominator is the bottom which is the whole number.
The numerator is the the top part of the fraction, the denominator is the bottom part of the fraction.
The upper part of a fraction is its numerator and the lower part of a fraction is its denominator.
Top part: numerator.Bottom part: denominator.
The denominator is the bottom part of a fraction, so a denominator of 10 would be what's below: ----
It is the denominator
The denominator is the lower part of a fraction as for example in the fraction 3/4 the denominator is 4 and the numerator is 3
A denominator is a common part of a mathematical equation. The denominator is found below the line of a fraction. In 1/4, the number 4 is the denominator.
The denominator is the bottom part of a fraction - in this case, 5.
The numerator is the top which is the part of the fraction and the denominator is the bottom which is the whole number.
It is above the denominator
The denominator
The answer depends on the part of the question that is missing.