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Q: Which part of the computer carries out arithmetic operations such as addition and multiplication?
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Why are addition and subtraction important?

Because addition and subtraction are the basic arithmetic operators, which all other arithmetic operations are based on. Multiplication can be posed as repetitive addition. Raising to a power is repetitive multiplication, etc. The processor of a computer basically is just a really fast adder.

What is difference between the arithmetic operation and relationaloperation?

Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Relational operations include different comparisons between numbers (or sometimes other data types). There are six relational operations: equal, not-equal, less-than, greater-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than-or-equal. One difference, which may help you remember the difference is that if you combine two numbers with an arithmetic operation, for example an addition, you get another number. On the other hand, if you compare two numbers, for example with "greater than", you are asking a question which will be answered with "yes" or "no" - which in computer languages are often called "true" and "false" or something similar.

What is a Arithmetic logical unit?

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is the heart of a CPU. This is what allows the computer to add, subtract, and to perform basic logical operations.

What is operators precedence?

Operator precedence (or, "order of operations") comes up in mathematics and computer programming and dictates which operations should be carried out first in evaluating a mathematical expression. The standard precedence used in math, science, and technology is: exponents and roots multiplication and division addition and subtraction Parentheses are also used for clarification or when the above precedence needs to be over-ridden. For example, with an expression line 3 + 2 * 4, you would start with the multiplication of 2 * 4, because multiplication has precedence over addition.

What is the subsystem of multiplication?

Central Processing Unit (CPU)Controls most of the activities of the computer, performs the arithmetic and logical operations, and contains a small amount of very fast memory.MemoryProvides storage for the instructions for the CPU and the data they manipulate.Input/Output (I/O)Communicates with the outside world and with mass storage devices (e.g., disks, network, USB).

Related questions

Why are addition and subtraction important?

Because addition and subtraction are the basic arithmetic operators, which all other arithmetic operations are based on. Multiplication can be posed as repetitive addition. Raising to a power is repetitive multiplication, etc. The processor of a computer basically is just a really fast adder.

What are the primary arithmetic operations a computer program can perform?

The four primary arithmetic operations a computer program can perform are addition, subtraction, multiplication and division.2 + 3 = 5 is an example of addition9 - 7 = 7 is an example of subtraction2 x 3 = 6 is an example of multiplication10 / 2 = 5 is an example of division

What is arithematic unit?

An arithmetic unit is a component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU) that performs basic arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. It is responsible for carrying out mathematical calculations on data stored in the computer's memory.

What does the arithmeticlogic unit do?

The arithmetic logic unit (ALU) is responsible for performing arithmetic and logical operations, such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and comparison. It is a critical component of the central processing unit (CPU) and is used to process data and perform computations in a computer system.

How is a computer able to add?

Computers features the Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) which performs addition and other arithmetic operations. The ALU is a part of a computer's CPU.

Do computer systems engage in multiplication and division processes?

The answer is Negative!. A computer per-se has no clue what a multiplication or a division is. Since this two operations rely on subsequent use of two simpler arithmetic operations (addition and substraction), a component called the ALU (Arithmetic Logic Unit) is in charge of performing more complex operations. If you think about it, one can reduce every single mathematical operation to just additions and substractions, hence, in order to multiply, the computer will simply make the corresponding additions very quick (which is exactly what a multiplication is). Just for you to know, the base 10 numbers you give as inputs are converted to binary representations. All arithmetic operations are performed on a base 2 system before being reconverted back to base 10 so humans undertsand it.

What is an arithmetic logic unit?

The arithmetic-logic unit (ALU) performs allarithmetic operations (addition, subtraction,multiplication, and division) and logic operations.Logic operations test various conditions encounteredduring processing and allow for different actions to betaken based on the results. The data required to performthe arithmetic and logical functions are inputs from thedesignated CPU registers and operands

What is difference between the arithmetic operation and relationaloperation?

Arithmetic operations include addition, subtraction, multiplication, division. Relational operations include different comparisons between numbers (or sometimes other data types). There are six relational operations: equal, not-equal, less-than, greater-than, less-than-or-equal, greater-than-or-equal. One difference, which may help you remember the difference is that if you combine two numbers with an arithmetic operation, for example an addition, you get another number. On the other hand, if you compare two numbers, for example with "greater than", you are asking a question which will be answered with "yes" or "no" - which in computer languages are often called "true" and "false" or something similar.

Which part of the computer carries out arithmetic operations?

The arithmetic and logic unit (ALU) within the computer's central processing unit (CPU) carries out arithmetic operations. Some designs also support a dedicated floating-point processing unit (FPU), which carries out arithmetic, trigonometric and logic operations based on floating-point variable types.

Bits and bytes are used as the language that tells the computer what to do?

To so arithmetic and logical operations

What activities are carried out by the ALU?

The Arithmetic Logic Unit (ALU) is an essential component of a computer's central processing unit (CPU). It performs various operations related to arithmetic and logic. One of the primary activities of the ALU is arithmetic operations such as addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division. These operations are performed on binary numbers, which are represented in the form of bits. The ALU can perform these operations on two or more operands, depending on the instruction given by the CPU. The ALU also performs logical operations such as AND, OR, NOT, and XOR. These operations are used to manipulate the bits in the operands to produce a desired output. For example, the AND operation returns a 1 only if both the operands have a 1 in the same position. Besides these basic operations, the ALU also performs comparison operations. It compares two operands and produces an output indicating whether they are equal, greater than, or less than each other. The ALU also performs shift operations, which involve moving the bits in an operand left or right by a certain number of positions. Shift operations are useful in programming, where they can be used to manipulate data stored in registers. Finally, the ALU can also perform other operations such as incrementing and decrementing. These operations are used to modify the value of a register or memory location. In summary, the ALU performs a variety of operations related to arithmetic, logic, comparison, and manipulation of binary numbers. Its efficient operation is crucial for the overall performance of a computer's CPU.

Which component is responsible for performing all of the arithmetic and logical operations within a computer?

it is a computer chip from the centerl hard ware