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Q: Which person is collecting data in the participant observation method?
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Which person is collecting data through the participant observation method?

A. Hassam watches people as they interact.

What are the three types of observation in language study?

The three types of observation in language study are naturalistic observation, controlled observation, and participant observation. Naturalistic observation involves observing language use in natural, everyday contexts. Controlled observation is conducted in a controlled environment with specific parameters and conditions. Participant observation involves actively participating in the language community being studied while also observing and documenting language use.

Can the scientific method be applied to speculations about the natural world that are not subject to test or observation?

No. The scientific method can only be applied with tests or observation. Before a test occurs, the person doing the speculating may be beginning the scientific method with a question, however.

Which research method involves collecting data repeatedly on the same person as he or she ages?

Longitudinal research involves collecting data repeatedly on the same person as he or she ages. This method allows researchers to study changes over time within the same individual.

What do you call a person who takes part?

The person is a participant (taking part in something).

What are advantages of non participant observations?

Non-participant observation is used to collect data during case study research. The person making the observations is not allowed to participate and must merely observe. This can be both an advantage and disadvantage, depending on the subject being studied.

A person who has an intense phobia of heights is forced to spend an afternoon on the observation deck of a skyscraper. This is a therapy method called?

This therapy method is called flooding.

A person who has an intense phobia of heights is forced to spend an afternoon on the observation deck of a skyscraper This is a therapy method called?

This therapy method is called flooding.

Is Tommy's narrative first person participant or first person observer in feels like spring by Milton kaplan?

In "Feels Like Spring" by Milton Kaplan, Tommy's narrative is first person participant, where he is directly involved in the events and experiences he is describing. This means that Tommy is an active participant in the story rather than just observing it from a distance.

What do you do if you suspect any questionable activities related to collecting information on US person the preferred method of reporting that is feasible is through?

Your chain of command.

The scientific method uses observation and which other process to answer?

Hypothesis construction and experimental testing of such hypothesis.

Why are the results from surveys more reliable than one person's observation?

Surveys involve collecting data from a larger sample size, which helps to reduce biases and inaccuracies that may occur with individual observations. Surveys also typically use standardized instruments and methods, increasing the reliability and validity of the results compared to a single person's subjective observation.