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Q: Which phrase should be inserted on the line to make a true statement?
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when the reader may disagree with the bottom-line statement.

A thesis statement should be?

It should be a strong statement written in the first line of introduction, in a single sentence, stating what the topic is about.

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Policy statement is what you say you are going to do. Policy is what you do, which should be in line with the policy statement.

What are Symbols that are used to correct rough draft called?

Proofreading symbols are used to correct rough drafts. These symbols typically include marks like a caret (^) to indicate where a word or phrase should be inserted, a squiggly line (~) to show where a word should be deleted, and a circle with a line through it to denote a spelling error.

When should a writer establish common ground before the bottom line statement?

when the reader may disagree with the bottom-line statement.

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There should be an o-ring where the modulator is inserted into the transmission. There should be no fluid where the vacuum line attaches, if so the modulator is bad.

Underlining when handwriting is used to indicate items which should be written in?

Underlining is used to indicate that a word or phrase should be italicized. A wavy line indicates a word or phrase should be bold-faced.

Is line capitalized in Mason Dixon Line?

It should be---north of the Maso n Dixo n.

What did the imagist poets believe a line of poet should sound like?

A Musical Phrase

Is the phrase top of the line hyphenated?

No, the phrase "top of the line" is not hyphenated.

What symbol does a line with an s below it mean?

A line with an "s" below it typically denotes "sarcasm" or a sarcastic statement. It is used to indicate that the preceding statement should not be taken literally, but rather as a form of humor or irony.