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Q: Which planet spins almost as fast as Earth?
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Do bigger planets spin faster than smaller ones?

The size of the planet doesn't have an effect on how fast a planet spins, therefore the speed to spin is random or has some other factor.

What is the velocity in meters per second of a person at the equator due to the earths rotation?

AnswerAt the equator the earth spins at 0.0005 Meters per second. Here's a bit more data -- you can do the math. ;-)•How fast is the Earth spinning? 0.5 km/sec•How fast is the Earth revolving around the Sun? 30 km/sec •How fast is the Solar System moving around the Milky Way Galaxy? 250 km/sec •How fast is our Milky Way Galaxy moving in the Local Group of galaxies? 300 km/secThe answer is incorrect. If you do the math, then the velocity would be 500m/sec..0005m/s equates to .0000005km/s.

What is the average speed of the earth in its orbit around the sun if it travels 6.28 faster than Pluto whose average speed in its orbit around the sun is 10604 mph and how is it worked out?

The question contains so many errors and misconceptions that it is hard to know where to begin!Pluto is not a planet so it cannot be the farthest planet from anything!Pluto's orbit takes it inside Neptune's, so for at least some of the time there is a planet which is further from the sun.According to Kepler's laws of planetary motions the innermost planets would be expected to travel faster.Pluto's average orbital speed is 10,450 mph while the earth travels at almost 70,000 mph. That is approx 6.4 TIMES as fast, not 6-and-a-bit miles faster!Finally, there is no question which can be answered!The question has since been edited to the one which appears above and bears little resemblance to the original as posted! The answer is simply 10604*6.28 = 66593.12 mph.

How fast is 250 kilometers per second?

Speed is always relative. 250km / sec is very fast however when compared to normal everyday human things. It means that in just 1 second something has travelled 250,000 metres. It helps to think of this relative to something else. The Earth is about 40,000km around the equator. So at this speed you could do a complete lap of our planet in 40,000 / 250 = 160 seconds (2 minutes 40 seconds). As you can see, this speed is fast. However there are things which travel faster than this. Light travels about 1200 times as fast as this! Light could do a lap in about 0.13 seconds.

How fast would you have to go to circle the earth in 2 minutes?

It would depend on how high up you were and what direction you are traveling.

Related questions

Which planet spins as fast as the Earth?

Mars is about the closest to the Earth's rotation among the planets in our solar system. Earth spins in 24 hours; Mars takes 24 hours 40 minutes.

Speed of rising sun?

The Earth spins at about 1000 miles per hour (This is a general assumption for the sake of argument - actually how fast the Earth spins depends where you are on the planet). It is the spin of the Earth that gives us our days and nights. Therefore it is not so much a matter of how fast the Sun rises, but rather how fast our Earth spins in relation to the Sun since our planet remains at a fairly constant relative distance from our nearest star. To answer the question in general terms - the Sun rises in the East and sets in the West at about 1000 miles an hour.

How fast is the rotation of the earth?

The Earth rotates at a speed of approximately 1,000 miles per hour (1,600 kilometers per hour) at the equator. This rotational speed decreases as you move towards the poles.

How fast does Saturn spin?

Saturn spins faster then earth

Why don't things fly off the surface of the earth when it spins at such a high speed?

1.Earth has Strong Gravity. 2.Earth doesn't spins so fast!

Which planet rotates more slowly than any other?

Venus (about once a year). Not Mars, it rotates almost as fast as Earth.

How fast do you have to travel to keep up with the sunset?

Here is another answer I found: How fast does the earth spin? The speed at which the earth spins varies upon your latitudinal location on the planet. If you're standing at the north pole, the speed is almost zero but at the equator, where the circumference of the earth is greatest, the speed is about 1,038 miles per hour (1,670 kph). The mid-latitudes of the U.S. and Europe speed along at 700 to 900 mph (1125 to 1450 kph).

How fast does junipers spin on its axis?

Junipers typically do not spin at all; their roots keep them firmly anchored to the Earth. The planet Jupiter, on the other hand, spins once in just 9.8 hours!

Which planet has a 7 hr day?

In our solar system, no planet spins that fast - the planet with the shortest day (or rotational period) would be Jupiter - but it is just under 10 hours.

Does how fast earth spins effect gravity?

Yes, the speed at which Earth rotates does affect gravity. The centrifugal force generated by the Earth's rotation slightly counteracts the force of gravity, causing objects at the equator to weigh slightly less than at the poles. However, this effect is extremely small and generally not noticeable in daily life.

How come when the earth takes a spin our houses direction does not change with it?

Earth spins so fast,you don't feel it

What does revolution mean in the Earth?

it means how fast the earth spins once and how much it takes to spin around the sun