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Q: Which polygon gives its name to a group of buildings in USA?
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Name of a building that is shaped like a polygon?

The Pentagon is a famous building that has an unusual shape, that of a pentagon or 5-sided polygon. But most buildings are shaped like polygons. It is just that they are shaped like rectangles and squares, which are also polygons.

What is a Nother name for quadrangle?

A quadrangle is a courtyard surrounded by a building or several buildings. So a courtyard is one possibility. Another example is a four sided polygon.

What is the name of a 7sided polygon?

the name of a 7sided polygon is hexagon.

What is the name of a polygon that has?

inite polygon

What is the name of a nine side polygon?

The name for this polygon is a nonagon,

What is the name of a 4000-sided polygon?

name of 4000 sided polygon

Name of 7 sided polygon?

The name of a 7 sided polygon is Heptagon.

What is the name the 12 sided polygon?

The name of a 12 sided polygon is Dodecagon.

How is the number of vertices for a pyramid related to the name of the pyramid?

Subtract 1 from the number of vertices. Find the name of the polygon with that many sides. The pyramid has that polygon as its base. So, for example, 7 vertices. Subtract one and that gives 6. A six sided polygon is a hexagon. So the shape is a hexagon based (or hexagonal) pyramid.

What is another name for equiangular polygon?

Regular polygon Equilateral polygon Polygon with rotational symmetry