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Q: Which post disaster phase do survivors realize that they will need to solve their problems of rebuilding the?
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Which post disaster phase do survivors realize that they will need to solve their problems of rebuilding their homes businesses and lives and have gradually assumed the responsibility to do so?

Reconstruction/recovery phase

During which post disaster phase do survivors realize that they will need to solve their problems of rebuilding their homes businesses and lives and have gradually assumed the responsibility to do so?

Reconstruction/Recovery Phase

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It helps us not only empathize with the survivors but realize that there were over 6 million others that had to go through the same thing and most of them didn't survive like he did.

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Adults realize that, but will not admit to it.Cartoons give a short break from our reality.It is nice to forget about your problems for awhile.

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i really don't kno. she probably has vision problems. or maybe just problems, because she dosent realize tht dudi is a .... nevermind.

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There may be a more specific name for it, but just rebuilding is the basic process. What may be fascinating is to realize that the stomach lining actually gets partially digested during digestion.

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Try to realize and accept that a 24 year old who would be interested in dating a 15 year old is someone who more thank likely has problems--problems you probably really don't want to get involved in. Be patient. You will grow up faster than you realize!

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no cause they do not no if u having problems or not so i do not see da problem

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