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Triangles, squares and hexagons. That is if they all have to be the same. If you use different regular polygons, you can tile a flat surface with triangles and 12-sides or with squares and 8-sides for example.

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Q: Which regular polygons will fit together to tile a flat surface?
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Why do polygons fit together to cover a flat surface?

Only when they tessellate.

Are the faces of a polyhedron all flat surfaces?

Yes and its flat surface faces are in regular shapes.

What is a flat closed surface that has congruent and parallel opposite sides?

That could be numerous polygons: a square, a regular hexagon, a regular octagon, a regular dodecagon ... Any regular polygon with an even number of sides could be your answer.

Why is the shape of a football not a polygon?

A football has a curved surface and polygons are flat. You can approximate a curved surface quite well if you use enough polygons but each polygon will still be flat and a football does have a curved (and rough) surface. Using a few thousand polygons you can create an approximation of a football with stitching seams and every detail but you will not have a curved surface you will have an approximation of a curved surface.

How many polygons does a cone have?

None. A cone is a surface of revolution and thus it has no flat sides. Polygons are planar figures. A cone has no planar faces.

Can a octagon tile a flat surface alone?

A regular octagon cannot tile a flat surface, it needs squares as fillers. An irregular octagon can tile a flat surface alone.

Show pictures of different polygons?

we have 9 diffrent kind of polygons. Each polygon has a diffrent amount of line segments. a polygon is a flat figure and has no gapes.

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The illusion of depth on a flat surface.

Which statement is good generalization about all polygons?

Polygons are flat shapes with many sides

What mathematical word is used for shapes that are flat?

Polygons are flat shapes

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Will pentagons fit together to form a flat surface?

No it will not tesselate.