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Q: Which river flows six days and stops one day in a week?
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Which river flows only 6 days a week?

The mythical River ofSambation

How many days does it take until a cold stops?

about a week or more

Which river in Nepal flow 6 days and stop for 1 day in a week?


How many days after your period can you be able to have a baby?

Ovulation occurs at the end of the second week of the Menstruation cycle, which starts as soon as the last period stops, so two weeks after your period stops, a new egg gets released. Sperm can last for about a week in the womb, so you can conceive from about 10 days after the end of the previous period, until about 21 days after.

Should you say ''what days of the week'' or ''which days of the week''?

Both "what days of the week" and "which days of the week" are correct; however, "which days of the week" is typically used when the choices are limited, while "what days of the week" is more open-ended.

Seven days in the week or seven days in a week?

Seven days in a week is more generally used than seven days in the week, except if in reference to a specific week such as 'the seven days in the week' when referring to a specific week, such as the week before Christmas.

How many days a week have?

There are 7 days in a week and there is 4 weeks in a month

Is 5 days 1 week?

5 days is one work week, but there are 7 days in a week.

What is the numbber of days in a week?

There are seven days in a week.

How Many days for week?

there are 7 days in a week.

Number of days in a week?

7 days in a week

How many days of the week are there?

7 days in a week?