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Q: Which sections of the budget are spent on mandatory items?
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Related questions

Most federal mandatory spending is spent on?

Most federal mandatory spending is spent on entitlements.

How does mandatory spending limit the president's ability to influence domestic policy making?

If monies have been allocated to something, it has to be spent; if not, it is often forfeited when the next annual budget is called for; spend it or lose it.

What percent of federal budget is spent on?

About 1% of the federal budget is spent on welfare (2% if food stamps are included).

What is a profile budget?

A budget profile is the month by month plan of when the funds in a budget are expected to be spent.

What percentage of the federal budget was spent on Medicare in 2007?

In 2007, approximately 13% of the federal budget was spent on Medicare.

How do i figure the percentage of my budget that I saved if I spent 1529.52 less?

There is insufficient information. You need to specify what your total budget was and either how much you spent or saved. You have not provided your total budget.

This is Paula's monthly budget What percent of her expenses is spent on insurance?

20Given Paula's monthly budget, the percentage of expenses spent on insurance can be determined by subtracting all the other expenses from the monthly budget, which leaves you with the anoint spent on insurance.

Does a New Mexico employer have to compensate an employee for time spent at mandatory safety training?

Yes. Mandatory training is always compensable.

What is the definition of food budget?

food budget means a right way of spent money on food.

What is the percentage of 433502 spent from a 3441471 budget?


What is a budget in which more is spent than collected?


This is the Reed family budget. What percent of the expenses are spent on gifts and donations?

I am unable to se the budget, therefore I cannot tell the percent of the expenses that are spent on gifts and donations.