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Hydrophobic head and tail is the sequence that represents a cross of the bilayer. This is all the same member. this is bull

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Q: Which sequence represents a cross section of the bi-layer?
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What is the sequence that represents the cross section of a bilayer?

The sequence of a bilayer consists of two layers of phospholipid molecules arranged with their hydrophobic tails facing each other and their hydrophilic heads facing outward towards the aqueous environment. This structure helps create a barrier that separates the inside and outside of the cell or organelle.

According to the principle of superposition the lowest layer in a cross section of a rock sequence?

According to the principle of superposition, the lowest layer in a cross section of a rock sequence is the oldest, as younger layers are deposited on top of older layers. This principle helps geologists determine the relative ages of rock layers by analyzing the order in which they were formed.

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Cross section

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Since corn is grown in every state (yes, even Alaska) the cross-section of the ear of corn on the FFA emblen represents our common agricultural interests and unity.

What is the relation between transition probability and cross section?

The transition probability is the likelihood that a particle will change from one state to another during a collision, whereas the cross section represents the effective area that the particle presents to a collision. The transition probability is related to the cross section by the formula: transition probability = cross section * particle flux, where the particle flux is the rate at which particles are incident on a target.

Are ions able to cross the lipid bilayer?

Yes, it is possible.

According to the law of superposition the lowest layer in a cross section of rock is what?

According to the law of superposition, the lowest layer in a cross section of rock is the oldest, as sedimentary rocks are typically laid down in sequence with the oldest rocks at the bottom and the youngest at the top.

Which cross section best represents the valley shape where a rapidly flowing stream is cutting into the bedrock in mountains area?

A V-shaped cross-section would best represent the valley shape where a rapidly flowing stream is cutting into the bedrock in a mountainous area. The steep sides of the V-shape are characteristic of valleys formed by erosion from fast-flowing streams in mountainous terrain.

What has a circular cross section when the cross section is taken parallel?

A cylinder has a circular cross section that is parallel to its base.

Can the cross section of a cuboid be a trapezium?

Not a right cross-section.

What is the function of the cross section of a root and a stem?

cross-section of a root

What is a cross section in soil called?

A cross section in soil is called a soil profile. It shows the different layers of soil and their characteristics from the surface down to the bedrock.