It is 100,000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
It is: 500
As rounded to nearest hundred thousand it becomes 7 909 000. This is because 688 exceeds 500 ie half of 1000. So 8 thousand becomes 9 thousand. So 908 thousand becomes 909 thousand.
The smallest whole number which, when rounded off to the nearest thousand, is equal to 8000 is 7500. This is because when you round 7500 to the nearest thousand, it becomes 8000.
781579 rounded to the nearest thousand becomes 782,000
It is 100,000 rounded to the nearest hundred thousand
650 is the smallest number rounded to the nearest hundred becomes 700
It is: 500
As rounded to nearest hundred thousand it becomes 7 909 000. This is because 688 exceeds 500 ie half of 1000. So 8 thousand becomes 9 thousand. So 908 thousand becomes 909 thousand.
26784 rounded to nearest ten is 26780.4 is less than 5 so the 8 remains.26784 rounded to nearest hundred is 26800.8 is more than 5 so the 7 becomes an 8.26784 rounded to nearest thousand is 27000.8 is more than 5 so 6 becomes a 7.26784 rounded to nearest ten thousand is 30000.7 is more than 5 so the 2 becomes a 3.