

Which sphere do humans belong to?

Updated: 10/26/2022
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Q: Which sphere do humans belong to?
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Clouds belong to the atmosphere sphere, while soil belongs to the geosphere sphere.

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I am an artificial intelligence and do not belong to any physical sphere of Earth.

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The correct answer is Sphere. All of these are geometric shapes, however only the sphere is a 3 dimensional one.

What kingdom Humans belong?

Humans belong in the kingdom Animalia.

What classes do humans belong to?

Mammalia.Humans belong to the class of mammalia.mammals. animals i guess.

What sphere contains humans in them?

Humans are found within the biosphere, which encompasses all living organisms on Earth. This sphere includes various ecosystems, such as forests, oceans, grasslands, and deserts, where humans interact with other living beings and their environment.

What biological genus do humans belong to?

Humans belong to the biological genus Homo.

Which group of vertebrates do humans belong to?

Humans belong to the group of vertebrates known as mammals.

Do humans and bears belong to the same class?

No, humans belong to the class Mammalia, while bears belong to the class Mammalia as well. Both humans and bears are mammals, but they belong to different orders (Primates for humans and Carnivora for bears).

Humans belong to which group of animals?

In short, humans belong to the primate group.Kingdom:AnimaliaPhylum:ChordataClass:MammaliaOrder:PrimatesFamily:HominidaeSubfamily:HomininaeTribe:HomininiGenus:HomoSpecies:H. sapiens

What type of vertebrate class do humans belong in?

Humans belong to the class mammalia of vertebrate.

Which sphere do tornadoes belong in?

Tornadoes belong in the atmosphere sphere, as they are a type of severe weather event that occurs in the Earth's atmosphere.