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Q: Which state cannot flow from place to place?
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What can flow from one place to another is it solid liquid or gas?

A gas can flow from one place to another. Liquids can also flow, but solids cannot flow because their particles are closely packed and do not move freely.

Which state of matter has the ability to flow?

The state of matter that has the ability to flow is the liquid state. In liquids, particles are close together but not rigidly fixed in place, allowing them to move past each other and flow.

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state why an observation cannot be an inference

What state of matter has particles that can flow past each other?

The state of matter that has particles that can flow past each other is the liquid state. In liquids, the particles have enough energy to move and flow around each other, unlike in solids where the particles are fixed in place.

Can water flow?

water cannot flow uphill

Why solid does not flow?

It cannot flow because its not hot

Is Bernoulli equation applicable for unsteady flow?

The equation assumes steady state or laminar flow and hence cannot be used for turbulent flows.

Where are circuits?

Circuits are used anywhere you want to have an electrical current flow. Without a circuit, you cannot have current flow. Without current flow, you cannot do any work.

Where are circuits used?

Circuits are used anywhere you want to have an electrical current flow. Without a circuit, you cannot have current flow. Without current flow, you cannot do any work.

Why is a liquid able flow?

a liquid is able to flow because its freely moving particles allow liquid to flow from place to place

What is an electric current that cannot flow called?

An electric current that cannot flow is called an open circuit. This occurs when there is a break in the circuit which prevents the flow of electrons from moving through the circuit.

What is the difference between flow process and non flow process?

Flow process takes place in open system & non-flow process takes place in closed system.