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Q: Which state has executed more convicted criminals than any other state since 1976?
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How many people have been executed in the past ten years?

In the past 10 years 667 convicted criminals have been executed. Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976 1,224 people have been executed.

Is Saddam Hussein going to be executed since he has been convicted?

Yes, I believe they sentenced him to hang.

Should all criminals go to prision?

They should but a lot of them don't. Instead, innocent people are sent to jail and sometimes end up executed. The system is not fail safe since humans are running it.

Since there were no jails in the Mayan civilization criminals were .?

Mayan criminals were sold into slavery.

Who is Terry D Clark?

Terry D Clark was a New Mexico man convicted of murdering an 8 year old girl in 1986. In 2001 he became the first person to be executed in New Mexico in over 40 years. No one else has been executed in New Mexico since.

How many executions have there been in the year 2011 in the US?

Since the death penalty was reinstated in 1976, 1,173 convicted murderers have been executed in the United States. (As of September 1, 2009)

How many people have been executed in America since 1976?

Since 1976, over 1500 people have been executed in America.

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Which countries still use the guillotine as a way of executing criminals?

Not since 1977; France abolished the death penalty in 1981, along with all other civilised nations.

Why john proctor thinks that he will be hanged?

Since he was convicted, unjustly, of witchcraft.

Who is the richest criminal?

Since criminals do not report their criminal earnings it is pretty hard to say.

Are drunk drivers usually criminals?

Since drunk driving is a crime, drunk drivers are criminals. Usually they are not professional criminals, however, but ordinary people who have the poor judgment to drive while drunk.Another View: Serial drunk drivers, who are charged over-and-over again, with numerious repeat offenses of DUI are criminals.