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Q: Which structure is defined by the borders called Z-lines?
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What is A region with clearly defined borders called?

A region with clearly defined borders is called a distinct boundary or demarcated area. It is a specific geographic area with identifiable limits that separate it from its neighboring regions.

What is an area that is organized into a sovereign political unit called?

That area is called a country. It is a defined territory with its own government, laws, and borders that distinguish it from other nations.

What are the borders called that are created by foreign countries?

They are called 'International Borders'

What is the section of Asia that borders on Africa called the middle?

The section of Asia that borders on Africa is called the Middle East.

Is the Sahara Desert an example of a place?

The Sahara desert is a place, that may be called an extensive territory, as well. The borders of so huge geographic territory is not precisely defined, but we can say that it is a place on the world's map.

What is the mountain called that borders Italy?

Most of the borders of Italy are formed by the Alps

What bay borders Delaware?

The bay that borders Delaware is called Delaware Bay.

What is the edge of land that borders an ocean called?

The edge of land that borders an ocean is called the coastline.

As an enzyme fits into a substrate at the active site it undergoes a slight change in order to fit into the substrate. this process is defined by a concept called?

This process is defined by a concept called induced fit. Induced fit is the dynamic process where the enzyme structure adjusts slightly to better accommodate and bind to the substrate molecule.

Why must a mineral be solied to be called minerals?

Minerals must be solid because they are naturally occurring inorganic substances with a defined chemical composition and crystal structure. Liquids and gases are not considered minerals because they do not possess a crystalline structure.

What is called when used to add borders to any or all edges of a paragraph on word?

Borders gallery

What is the name of the border that borders Canada for about 560 miles?

The border that borders Canada is called the Canadian border.