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Q: Which structures provide a huge surface area for diffusion of gasses?
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Percentage of how many gases are there?

In the air around us there is 78% nitrogen 21% oxygen 1% other gasses

What are two the most common gasses found in air and what are their percentages?

Gases in air are nitrogen about 79%, oxygen about 20% and other gases 1%

Who is Dr Fred Whipple and explain his hypothesis?

Whipple came up with the "dirty snowball" concept of comets; that the head of the comet is primarily ice and frozen gasses bound together by dust, gravel and rocks. This explains the nature of the "tail" of the comet; as the frozen gasses sublimate away (change from solid to gas, without an intervening liquid state) the gas is carried away by the solar wind and by pressure of the sunlight itself.

What are the chemical families on the periodic table?

Well, several are, and from left to right. Alkali metals Alkaline earth metals. Transition metals. Metaloids. Nonmetals. Halogens. Nobel gasses.

What are the four families of a periodic table?

The periodic table is arranged based off of A) chemical properties of elements and B) Atomic numbers. When what im assuming your chemistry teacher says four families, he is referring to the four main families of the periodic table that are used in high school chemistry, these are A) Group 1 : The Alkali earth metals , which are all highly reactive metals B) Group 2 : The Alkaline earth metals C) Group 17 : The Halogens, these are all very stable substances which bond very well with the Alkali earth metals to form salts and D) Group 18 : The Noble gasses or Inert gasses , these are all highly stable gasses due to their full valency shell, they do not generally bond with other metals

Related questions

Why do our lungs have a huge amount of capillaries?

It is because your body requires a lot of surface area for diffusion of gasses into the blood.

What gasses are located on Uranus' surface?

methane carbon dioxide gases that do not provide life

Does diffusion happen best in liquids?

The rate of diffusion is fastest is gasses, but as we can't see the gases ,it can be seen it liquids, but in liquids the rate of diffusion is comparatively slower than gasses and it can be easily observed....

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What is the function of caplillaries?

Diffusion of gasses & dissolved substances into and out of the blood.

What are 2 gasses that move in and out of body by diffusion?

oxygen and carbon dioxide

How thin walls help the alveoli?

It allows for rapid diffusion of gasses.

Does neptune have a solid surface or is it made from liquids and gasses?


Why are the membraines in the alveoli thin?

membranes must be thin for efficient diffusion of gasses.

What does the close arrangement of alveoli and capillaries allows for?

This exchange allows easy diffusion of gasses back and forth.

Why diffusion rates of liquids are much less than diffusion rates of gasses?

Liquids diffuse at a slower rate than do gases because they have much less kinetic energy.

The structures within the lung that allow exchange of gasses with the bloodstream are known as?
