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Q: Which subset of real numbers does not contain the number 1?
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Which subset of the real number does not contain natural numbers?

Irrational numbers.

Which subset of the real numbers does not contain the natural numbers?

The subset consisting of the one number, 7.5 : {7.5}

What is the Difference between an integer and a real number?

Integer numbers are a subset of real numbers. Real numbers may contain fractions.

Does every point on the real number line correspond to a rational number?

No. There are several real numbers that are not rational (e.g. pi). However, every rational number is also a real number. In general, whole numbers/natural numbers is a subset of the integers (i.e. every whole number is an integer), the integers is a subset of the rationals, the rationals are a subset of the real numbers. I think the real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers, but I'm not 100% positive on that.

Is a natural number the same as a real number?

No. Natural numbers are a very small subset of real numbers.

Is irrational number subset for real numbers?


What is subset of real number?

There are lots of subsets; some of the ones that are commonly used are: rational numbers; irrational numbers; positive numbers; negative numbers; non-negative numbers; integers; natural numbers. Remember that a subset simply means a set that is contained in another set. It may even be the same set. So the real numbers are a subset of themselves. The number {3} is a subset of the reals. All the examples above are subsets as well. The set {0,1, 2+i, 2-i} is NOT a subset of the real numbers. The real numbers are a subset of the complex numbers.

Why the rational number 10 is also a real number?

Rational numbers are a proper subset of real numbers so all rational numbers are real numbers.

Are real numbers a subset of natural numbers?

No because natural numbers are a subset of real numbers

Subsets of real numbers?

A real number is just an ordinary number. The set of real numbers include all numbers between negative and positive infinity. Real numbers are ordered, and thus do not include imaginary numbers. A subset of real numbers refers to a group, or subsection, of real numbers. For instance, the numbers between 5 and 22 are a subset of real numbers. Another example of a subset is all even numbers, or all odd numbers.

What are the number sets that contain the square root of 5?

Any set that contains it, for example, the set {1, 4/7, sqrt(5), -99} sqrt(5) is an irrational number which form a subset of real numbers which form a subset of complex numbers which ...

Can a real number be an integer and an even number?

Yes - in fact the set of all even numbers is a subset of the set of all integers, which is, in turn, a subset of the set of all real numbers.