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Q: Which taxa contain the fewest numbers of species?
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What two taxa are in a binomial nomenclature name?

Genus and Species

Is a process by which taxa are clustered together based on the number of their similarities?


What are all of the clades of the magnorder Boreoeutheria?

Very briefly, Boreoeutheria are divided into two extant principal clades: Euarchontoglires and Laurasiatheria. Euarchontoglires include in turn, Archonta and Glires. The extant orders constituting Archonta are Scandentia (tree-shrews), Primates (lemurs etc., monkeys and people) and Dermoptera (colugos). Glires include orders Lagomorpha (hares, rabbits) and Rodentia (porcupines, cavies, squirrels, beavers, rats, mice, gerbils, etc.). Laurasiatheria include: Eulipotyphla and Scrotifera. (Eulipotyphla are a depleted version of Lipotyphla which in turn was a remnant of the old Insectivora. Eulipotyphla were subsequently split into Soricomorpha (shrews) and Erinaceomorpha (hedgehogs & gymnures) but then recombined by those who accept that erinaceomorphs are nested within soricomorphs). So order, Eulipotyphla, is what we call them. Scrotifera include order, Chiroptera (bats) and Fereuungulata. (Yes, there's a syllabic division between the two 'U's!) Fereuungulata contain: Ferae - order, Pholidota (pangolins which have been estranged from anteaters) and order, Carnivora (cats, hyenas, dogs, bears, weasels, raccoons, seals, etc.) Now the ungulates probably form a single clade alongside Ferae and are called, Ungulata, or maybe Euungulata (proper ungulates unlike those imposters, the elephants and relatives which have been shunted elsewhere). If Ferae turn out to be nested within ungulates then the (Eu)ungulate clade would no longer stand. We now arrive among ungulates. Two major groups: order, Perissodactyla (horses, tapirs, rhinos) and what seems to be fairly universally referred to these days as Cetartiodactyla. Cetartiodactyla include the even-toed ungulates (camels, pigs, hippos, giraffes, antelopes, cattle, sheep, goats, deer) traditionally referred to order, Artiodactyla, but the so-called order, Cetacea (whales), is now considered as a prodigal child returned to the artiodactyl home, as the common cetacean ancestor appears to be rooted somewhere near the hippopotamus branch. Work is still in progress, and will continue for a while yet, as individual researchers ride their personal hobby horses in progressively similar directions. Taxonomists furthermore are a fertile source of opinions. As for including extinct taxa, like (just one example) the various prehistoric South American ungulate-type groups, that is another game within another level of mystery.

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the lowest rank of taxa is species

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The name strigosa belongs to the hierarchical taxa of species in the binomial nomenclature system. It specifically represents the species name within the genus to which it belongs.

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the genus and species

What two taxa are in a binomial nomenclature name?

Genus and Species

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The highest level in the modern organization of taxa is the domain, with the three main domains being Archaea, Bacteria, and Eukaryota.

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The seven taxa in Linnaeus' classification system, in hierarchical order, are kingdom, phylum, class, order, family, genus, and species.

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Polyphyletic and paraphyletic taxa are problematic when the goal is to construct phylogenies that accurately reflect evolutionary history. These taxa do not accurately represent the evolutionary relationships between species and can lead to incorrect interpretations. Monophyletic taxa, on the other hand, are ideal for constructing phylogenies as they include all descendants of a common ancestor.

What is the Jaccard Coefficient?

C/(A+B-C) (where C is the number of taxa in common between two samples and A and B are the numbers of unique taxa found in each of the two samples).

Order of taxa largest to smallest?

Domain Kingdom Phylum Class Order Family Genus Species

What is the correct order from larger to smaller taxa?

The taxa in order from largest to smallest are domain, kingdom,phylum,class, order, family, genus, and species. Taxonomy is the hierarchical system of classification from the most inclusive taxon to the most exclusive taxon. It was developed by Charles Linnaeus.

Which two taxa of the cl-assification system are used to form the scientific name of a plant or animal?

Genus and species

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conspecific: Two or more individual organisms, populations, or taxa are conspecific if they belong to the same species.