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Q: Which term describes the characteristic or trait being measured in a chart or graph?
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How are ladies ring sizes measured?

Ladies' ring sizes are measured by wrapping a piece of string around the finger to be measured. The length of string is then measured against a chart called a ring sizer, and the length of the string will line up to the correct ring size.

How are pie and bar charts the same and different?

pie charts show the percentage of whatever the chart is displaying and bar charts show the improvement or difference in what the chart is showing. they are the same because if both the pie chart and bar chart are being used for the same situation, the data should be the same.

What does the horizontal axis of a line chart represent?

It depends on the information being plotted. It is often the independent variable.

Is there a chart that converts decimals to inches?

No and there never will be. Decimals are a way to express number. They are not lengths, or mass, or volume or time or anything. Just pure unadulterated numbers. And numbers cannot be measured in inches!

Why did the student draw a bar chart rather than a line graph?

Your best chance of getting the correct answer is to ask the student who drew the chart. The type of chart/graph that is best drawn depends upon the data being represented: If the chart is being used to show how data represents a fraction of a whole, a Pie chart would be used. If the chart is of discrete data, eg shoe sizes, a bar chart would be used. If the chart is of continuous data, eg the height of people, a line chart would be used. A pictogram is a version of the bar chart with the bars split up into icons which represent some kind of unit; eg for shoe sales of different styles a shop could use a shoe icon to represent 5 shoes with parts of a shoe icon representing 1-4 shoes sold. In business which of the bar chart and line graph is used depends upon what sort of information is required to be shown and to whom*. For factual information about different items a bar chart is often used (eg how much is sales per month), but if a trend is required a line graph can be used (eg how is sales per month changing). * The "to whom" bit is often the deciding factor - the choice of chart and how it is drawn can be used to great effect to enhance or hide certain aspects of the data.

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A list that explains the parts colors or symbols of a chart?

Title: Describes the subject of the chart. Axes: Represent the variables being measured, such as time or quantity. Legends: Explain the meaning of colors or symbols used in the chart. Data points: Represent individual values within the data set.

Bureau of customs organizational chart?

The organizational chart for the Bureau of Customs describes the responsibilities of different components. The chart describes the function of customs officers and their managers.

What term describes the ability to distinguish object details and shape at a distance?

Visual acuity is the term that describes the ability to distinguish object details and shape at a distance. It is commonly measured using a Snellen chart during an eye exam.

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What flavor is a pie chart?

If the chart describes statistics on bad automobiles, it's lemon.

What part of a pie chart tell what the chart represents?

The title. And, like maps, pie charts typically have a legend that describes the chart.

Is there a Rw to dB conversion chart?

Rw is measured in units of dB, there is no need for conversion.

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What is the name of the text label that describes each data series in a chart?

A legend.

What is a pneumatic chart recorder?

Pneumatic chart recorder is a recorder that has a 3>15 psi input from the process controller and graphs on paper the processes variables that are measured

Statements best describes a chart of accounts?

dont know..i cant find and answer my self//////

How are ladies ring sizes measured?

Ladies' ring sizes are measured by wrapping a piece of string around the finger to be measured. The length of string is then measured against a chart called a ring sizer, and the length of the string will line up to the correct ring size.