The subdominant in any major scale is the fourth note. So, in C major, the subdominant is the F.
Diminished fourth - enharmonic to major third.
The main divisions are catholic, protestant , charismatic, and evangelical churches.
Quantitative data describes the measurable attributes of the subject. Qualitative data describes the remaining non-measurable but perceivable attributes of the subject
The Sigmoid Colon It forms a loop that averages about 40 cm. in length,
sigmond colon
A semicolon signals a major division in a sentence. It is stronger than a comma as it separates independent clauses that are closely related but not closely enough to be in the same sentence. It is not as strong as a colon or a period, which indicate a greater separation of ideas.
Colon cancer- cancer in the colon Tongue cancer- cancer on the tongue
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The large intestine starts with the cecum, near where the appendix lives. There is then the ascending colon, transverse colon, descending colon, and sigmoid colon. It ends in the rectum, which then empties through the anus and out of the body.
the answer is that we should use division to divide statistics
Sigmoid Colon
Panama City Colon David
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Lamentations lised in the major prophets as it is written by Jeremiah.