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Q: Which term describes the slope of the graph of song 1 between minute 3 and minute 4?
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The answer depends on the slope of which graph.

How do you find slope on a distance vs. time graph?

To find the slope on a distance vs. time graph, you calculate the change in distance divided by the change in time between two specific points on the graph. The slope represents the speed or velocity of an object. A steeper slope indicates a greater speed.

Why use slopes?

The slope of a graph provides general information about a graph. It tells you how much the y value of the graph increases (or decreases, if the slope is negative) for a given increase in x value. if you look at the general equation of a graph y = a x + b the value "a" represents the slope and the "b" value represents the value of y when x = 0. When the graph is not a straight line, the discussion gets more complicated, however the slope still describes changes in the value of the graph (you have to use calculus for this situation.)

What does the slope s-t graph indicates?

The slope of a line on a graph represents the rate of change between two variables. A steeper slope indicates a faster rate of change, while a shallower slope indicates a slower rate of change. The slope can provide information about the relationship between the variables being compared.

The of a graph is the difference between any two numbers on the scale?


How do you get the slope of a line on a graph?

Take a tangent at the point where you want the slope. Then the slope of the graph at that point is the slope of the tangent, which is found by taking another point on the tangent and then taking the change in y between the two points and divid it by the change in x.

What is a slope'?

A smooth line drawn between points on a graph to reflect the general trend.

What does the slope of a speed vs time graph indicate about an object's motion?

The slope of the speed/time graph is the magnitude (size) of the object's acceleration.

The relationships between average speed and the slope of a position time graph?

The average speed of an object is represented by the slope of a straight line on a position-time graph. A steeper slope indicates a higher average speed, while a shallower slope indicates a lower average speed. The slope is calculated by dividing the change in position by the change in time.

What is a slope when dealing with graph?

The slope for a straight line graph is the ratio of the amount by which the graph goes up (the rise) for every unit that it goes to the right (the run). If the graph goes down, the slope is negative. For a curved graph, the gradient at any point is the slope of the tangent to the graph at that point.

Which describes the slope of the graph from 10 s to 30 s?

The average slope in that interval is('y'-value at 30 s) - ('y'-value at 10 s)/20 s

The slope of a line drawn tangent to a point on the curve of a position vs time graph describes what concept?

The slope of a line drawn tangent to a point on a position vs. time graph represents the instantaneous velocity of the object at that point. It describes how the position of the object is changing at that exact moment in time.