Dorsal is the other side of the foot. Palmar is the analagous part of the hand.
Reciprocal would do in certain cases. 1 one tenth is the reciprocal of 10 in arithmetic 270º is the reciprocal of 90º in geometry Inverse would do as well - a reciprocal is an inverse for multiplication. negation means something like the opposition in logic. complement has the meaning of opposite in some cases. opposite is itself a math term- used in geometry as in the phrase "opposite side of a parallellogram".
Strath is a descriptive term and specifically means a large valley. It is normally a river valley that is wide and shallow. It is the opposite of a glen, which is narrow and deep.
It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.It means that the force is in a direction opposite to the displacement of the spring.
Only if it is a trapezoid (US usage) with one set of parallel sides, or a parallelogram with both sets of opposite sides parallel. The term quadrilateral only means that the shape has 4 sides.
"Spiritless" is the opposite of enthusiastic.
The opposite of plantar in terms of anatomical positioning is dorsal.
The opposite movement of plantar flexion in the human body is dorsiflexion.
Plantar flexion is the medical term meaning pointing the toes down. The opposite is dorsiflexion.
The opposite of dorsiflexion is plantar flexion.
The term is "retract." It means to move something back or withdraw it in the opposite direction.
The opposite of plantar flexion is dorsiflexion. Plantar flexion means to increase the angle at the ankle, as in tip-toeing. The muscles involved in dorsiflexion (picking up the toes) are:tibialis anterior muscleextensor hallucis longus muscleextensor digitorum longus muscleperoneus tertius
Plantar hyperhidrosis
dorsal is the top and plantar is the bottom
The opposite term of 'rakshisu' in Kannada is 'rakshane' which means to protect or save.