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not shouldn't be used

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Q: Which term or phrase may not be used as a Boolean operator?
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What advanced searching technique is correctly used in the search statement toddler AND Montessori school?

The advanced searching technique correctly used in the search statement "toddler AND Montessori school" is the Boolean operator "AND." This operator ensures that search results include both the term "toddler" and the term "Montessori school" in the documents retrieved.

Which of the following Boolean logic operator would be used to find keywords of basketball and Tennessee?

find it

What would you use a boolean operator for?

Its used ti help us find dicunents quickly

Why there is no boolean operator in php?

There are several boolean operators in PHP. I'm not able to provide you with it's full list, but here are some of the most used ones: && - AND - OR ! - NOT

What is bullion algebra?

A friend used this phrase. I think she meant Boolean Algebra.

What is the appropriate Boolean operator that limits your search so that each term you input must be in the same document?

It would depend on the system, but probably "AND". For example, a query '"used" AND "cars"' should return only documents containing both terms. Sometimes the AND operator is represented symbolically, such as "used" && "cars". Again, it depends on the context.

What is a boolean operation?

A boolean operator is a simple word such as and, or, or not which are used to narrow or expand searches. Boolean operators are also used in programming to determine a path of action often depending on the status of a variable.

Why do you think that the word algebra is in the phrase Boolean Algebra?

Although it is more logical and closer to science than maths, boolean algebra can be used with normal algebra on planes, and it uses variables.

What character is used in an OR operator?

The logical OR operator in C and Java is the double vertical bar ().Example: if (s 0) do somethingThe operator applies a logical OR operator when it evaluates the expression.

Why demorganization is used in boolean expression?

demorganization is used to reduce the Boolean expressions