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A cuboid.

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Q: Which three-dimensional figure has 3 pairs of congruent rectangular faces?
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Which three dimensional figure has three pairs of congruent rectangular faces?


Which three dimensional figure has 3 pairs of congruent rectangular faces?

A cuboid.

Which three demensional figure has 3 pairs of congruent rectangular faces?

triangular pyramid

How many pairs of congruent faces does a rectangular prism have?

A rectangular prism has 3 pairs of congruent faces

A solid figure in which all six faces are rectangles with three pairs of opposite faces that are parallel and congruent?

a rectangular prism

What figure has one rectangular face and two pairs of congruent triangle faces?

triangular prism

How do you determine the base of a prism?

Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular. Look at the prism. If all faces are rectangular (or square) then so are the bases. Otherwise they are the two congruent parallel faces that are not rectangular.

Which solid figure has two parallel bases that are congruent polygons and rectangular faces joining the bases?


What is a rectangular prism having six congruent faces called?

A rectangular prism with 6 congruent faces is called a cube.

What is a figure that has six rectangular faces?

A figure that has six rectangular faces is a rectangular prism.

What spatial figure where faces are congruent and every pair of adjacent faces are perpendicular to each other?

A cuboid, also known as a rectangular hexahedron.

What is a solid figure in which all six faces are rectanges with thre pairs of posite faces that are parallel and congruent?

rectangular solid commonly called a box