

Best Answer
  1. Russia (44,650,000)
  2. Iran (26,850,000)
  3. Qatar (25,630,000)
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Q: Which three countries in order are having the highest natural gas world reserves?
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Which three countries in order are having the highest oil world reserves?

Venezuela (297,570,000,000)Saudi Arabia (265,400,000,000)Canada (175,200,000,000)

If Kazakhstan has worlds nhighest gold reserves then why is it not the most developed or country?

Kazakhstan is one of the most developed countries despite having the highest number of gold reserves because of the mismanagement of country's resources.

How has having large oil reserves affect the regions relations with other countries?

Having large oil reserves can impact a region's relations with other countries in several ways. It can lead to increased strategic importance and influence in global politics. Countries with large oil reserves may also experience tensions and conflicts with other nations vying for access to those resources, as well as dependency issues if there are economic or political disputes. Additionally, having large oil reserves can make a region vulnerable to exploitation by foreign powers seeking to control or manipulate the oil supply.

Which country needs uranium?

Countries having nuclear reactors and nuclear weapons but without important reserves of uranium.

How can a state benefit from having natural resources?

A state can benefit from having natural resources because it would not have to import resources from different countries and states, thus, not having to pay for the long transport from other countries and states

In which two oceans are large deposit of oil and natural gas?

Large deposits of oil and natural gas are found in the Atlantic Ocean and the Indian Ocean. These oceans are known for their offshore oil and gas reserves, with countries such as the United States, Brazil, Nigeria, and India having significant production sites.

What potentially new natural wonder is recognized for having the highest tides on the planet?

Bay of Fundy in Canada

Availability of natural gas?

Natural gas is a widely available energy source used for heating, cooking, and electricity generation. It is found in underground reservoirs and is extracted through drilling. The availability of natural gas varies by region, with some countries having abundant reserves while others rely on imports to meet their needs.

What country have the most natural blondes?

It is commonly believed that Sweden has the highest percentage of natural blondes in the population, with estimates ranging from 70-80% of the population having blonde hair.

What continent has the highest population density?

Asia has the highest population density of any continent, with countries like India, Bangladesh, Japan, and South Korea having some of the highest population densities in the world.

What continent has the highest fertility rates?

Africa has the highest fertility rates among all continents, with several countries having an average of more than five children per woman.

Advantages of countries having abundant natural resources?

Countries with more natural recources are better able to sustain themselves in the long run. When they use natural recources to cook, fuel automobiles, and heat homes, they use a renewable way which will last for years.