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There are far more than three factors that may do so. You need to identify the particular circumstances.

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Q: Which three factors act to shape and sometimes distort perception?
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What are the three factors that act to shape and sometimes distort perception?


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It is spelt 'distort' and means to "Pull or twist out of shape".

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The lone pair creates repulsion between the molecules attached to it and distorts the shape.

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You get a rectangle, a parallelogram, or a quadrilateral, depending on how extensively you distort the square.

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Cite instances of how personal and social factor influence perception?

Personal factors such as past experiences, emotions, and expectations can influence perception by shaping how an individual interprets incoming information. Social factors, such as culture, social norms, and peer influence, can also affect perception by providing a framework for understanding and evaluating sensory information within a specific societal context. Together, personal and social factors interact to shape an individual's unique perception of the world.

What factors influencing perception in organizational behavior examples?

Some factors that influence perception in organizational behavior include past experiences, personality traits, stereotypes, cognitive biases, and organizational culture. For example, a person's past experiences with a particular group or situation can shape how they perceive similar situations in the future. Personality traits, such as openness or extroversion, can also influence how individuals perceive and interpret information in the workplace.

How does psychological and cultural factors influence perception?

Psychological factors like past experiences, emotions, and cognitive biases can affect how an individual perceives information, leading to subjective interpretations. Cultural factors, such as beliefs, values, and social norms, shape how people perceive the world around them and influence their understanding of different stimuli. Together, psychological and cultural factors play a significant role in shaping an individual’s perception.

What has the author Bertha Stavrianos written?

Bertha Stavrianos has written: 'The relation of shape perception to explicit judgments of inclination' -- subject(s): Perception, Space perception

What is the meaning of distort?

Distorted; misshapen., To twist of natural or regular shape; to twist aside physically; as, to distort the limbs, or the body., To force or put out of the true posture or direction; to twist aside mentally or morally., To wrest from the true meaning; to pervert; as, to distort passages of Scripture, or their meaning.

What is the best meaning of distort?

Distorted; misshapen., To twist of natural or regular shape; to twist aside physically; as, to distort the limbs, or the body., To force or put out of the true posture or direction; to twist aside mentally or morally., To wrest from the true meaning; to pervert; as, to distort passages of Scripture, or their meaning.