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Q: Which transition would best show the relationship between these sentences?
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I can't see why there would be a relationship. Grammatically correct sentences can be short or long. In his novels Sir Walter Scott sometimes had sentences a page or ever more in length, and his grammar was excellent!

Why would a writer use compound sentences?

Writers use compound sentences to show a relationship between two ideas that are closely related. They help create a smooth flow of ideas and add variety to sentence structure, making the writing more engaging for the reader.

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That would depend on the relationship between x, y, and z.That would depend on the relationship between x, y, and z.That would depend on the relationship between x, y, and z.That would depend on the relationship between x, y, and z.

Why conjunctions are important?

Conjunctions are important because they connect words, phrases, or clauses to show the relationship between them and help create cohesive and coherent sentences. They improve the flow and readability of text by indicating the connections between different parts of a sentence or between different sentences. Without conjunctions, writing would be choppy and disjointed, making it more difficult for readers to understand the intended meaning.

What is the relationship between my uncle's daughter and you?

she would be my cousin

What is the symbiotic relationship between a flea and moose?

Fleas and moose do not have a symbiotic relationship. Fleas are parasites that feed on the blood of mammals, including moose. The presence of fleas on a moose can cause discomfort, irritation, and potential health issues.

What does plutonic relationship mean?

I think you mean to say a "platonic" relationship. That is a relationship between two or more people that does not include any form of sexual aspect. For example, a relationship between two friends would be platonic, while a relationship between a boyfriend and girlfriend is not.

What is the relationship between mayella and her father?

the relationship between Mayella and her father is they love eachother and believe in the same thing. Mayella would protect her father and her father would protect her

What is the relationship between younger brother's son with me?

You would be his uncle and he would be your nephew.

What is the family relationship between me and my brother's daughter?

She would be your niece. and you would be her uncle.

Why do transition words help you?

Transition words help to improve the flow of writing by connecting ideas and guiding the reader through the text. They signal the relationship between different parts of a text, making it easier for readers to follow along and understand the writer's intended message.

What is the relationship between your daughters child and your niece?

they would be cousins.