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Q: Which two complementary forces keep the Sun from blowing itself up?
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Why does your heater and air keep blowing fuses cannot run it without blowing fuses?

There is an electrical short to ground in the fan switch or in the blower motor itself.

Why do you keep blowing your radio fuse in my 2002 Navigator?

There is a problem with the radio itself, or there is a short in the wiring, or that circuit is overloaded.

Why does your grand marquis keep blowing the powertrain control module fuse?

You have a short that is blowing the fuse, it may not be in the module itself but in a wire or sensor that leads to it.

Why would the fuses for the heater keep blowing in a 1985 Blazer?

Beause there is probably a short/bad connection in the switch, or the blower motor itself

What do you do if the fuses keep blowing?

Find out why the fuse is blowing. You have a short or the circuit is overloaded.

Why does a balloon bust if you keep on blowing air into it?

becaz d air molecules require more space than required if u keep on blowing air into it

How do I keep the Sunface Outdoor Garden Decor from blowing away in windy conditions?

It has an iron base which weighs it down to keep it from blowing away in windy conditions.

Why does a car air conditioning keep blowing fuses?

for fuse to keep blowing, there is a short in the eletrical system somewhere. check the a/c switch and the a/c clutch

What are the forces acting on a chain in tension?

The forces acting on a chain in tension are the tension force exerted by the chain itself, and any external forces applied to the chain. These forces work to keep the chain in equilibrium and prevent it from breaking or stretching beyond its limit.

Would a battery going bad cause a fuse to keep blowing out?

not usually!!if fuse is blowing out check for short!!

Why does the fuse keep blowing for the cigarette lighter on your 1995 Cougar?

take a close look at the lighter itself. It's 14 years old and might have a short-circuit in it. You can test that with resistance meter.

Why does my dryer fuse keep blowing?

Your dryer fuse may keep blowing due to a variety of reasons, such as a clogged vent, overheating, or a faulty heating element. It is important to check these components and address any issues to prevent the fuse from blowing repeatedly.