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south america and Africa

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Q: Which two continents shapes are similar?
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Related questions

How does the map support the theory of continental drift?

The shapes of continents appearing on the map clearly show similar shapes and how the continents might fit together.

What two continents are similar is shape?

Australia and Antarctica are the two continents that are similar to islands.

What does it mean for two shapes to be similar?

Two geometric shapes are similar if they have same size,shape, side lengths,and angles.

Can two shapes that are similar be congruent?


What can you tell by comparing the shapes of the continents with the shapes of the earth's plates?

Comparing the shapes of continents with the shapes of Earth's plates can provide insights into past plate movements. The jigsaw-like fit of continents, such as South America and Africa, indicates that they were once connected and have since drifted apart due to plate tectonics. Similar shapes of continental margins or continental shelves can suggest that they were once part of the same landmass before separating.

Which two continents are mirror images of each other?

South America and Africa are considered mirror images of each other due to their similar shapes and positions. This resemblance is due to the theory of plate tectonics and the separation of the two continents from the supercontinent Pangaea.

Can two shapes be congruent and not similar?

In short, no. Similar shapes are shapes in which all corresponding angles congruent regardless of the length of the sides. Congruent shapes have congruent corresponding angles and corresponding sides. In effect congruent shapes is a special condition of similar shapes.

What does it mean when two shapes are similar?

It is congruent

What two continents have a similar physical shape?


What scientific disciplines records the shapes and locations of continents?

The scientific discipline that studies the shapes and locations of continents is called geology, specifically in the subfield of plate tectonics. This field examines the movement and interactions of the Earth's lithosphere, which includes the continents, and how they have changed over geological time scales.

What two shapes are most similar?

hexagon and pentagon

What dose it mean for two shapes to be similar?

Two shapes are similar when the sides of one are directly proportional to the corresponding sides of the other. That all the corresponding angles are equal.