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Q: Which type of care is likely to see the largest number of people?
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Why are non religious people less likely to care about the environment?

A:It is hard to find a reason why non-religious people are less likely to care about the environment, particularly in the face of anecdotal evidence that care for the environment is more likely to be strong among non-religious people. While we can all hold biased positions on this, an objective view that non-religious people are less likely to care about the environment requires provable evidence, and there appears to be none.

Why do people care what your level is on runescape?

Most likely for competitive purposes.

What are the largest expense categories incurred by health care service?

Nonpayment for services rendered is one of the largest expenses incurred in the health care organization. Claims, by far, is number one. Employee expenses, number two - salaries, benefits, compliance, payroll taxes, etc.

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Facts about Korean people?

South Korea has about the largest army in the world.

Why are people who do not take care of their teeth more likely to have heart problems?

Babe whoever told you that lied !!

How does not having health care affect people?

People without insurance coverage have worse access to care than people who are insured. ... Studies repeatedly demonstrate that uninsured people are less likely than those with insurance to receive preventive care and services for major health conditions and chronic diseases.

Did rich and poor people suffer the same for the black death?

Rich people got better care when they got ill, and so were somewhat more likely to survive. There is some indication that they were less likely than poorer people to get ill, as, for example, very few members of royal families died during the plague. At the time, however, a number of writers commented on the fact that rich people were not spared.

Which statement is LEAST likely to be true of a totalitarian state?

Education remains in hands of local communitiesLeast likely is that they care about the people.

What is the number of people who don't take care of pets?

I would guess a lot!!

Who are the largest Day Care providers?

6 Jan 2010 ... Largest Adult Day Care Provider Hires New Chief Executive to Guide Company through Health Care Reform. A leading provider in the health care