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circle graph (aka pie chart)

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Q: Which type of graph is best used to relate parts to a whole?
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What type of graph would be best to use if you had to show how the parts of a whole relate to each other?

Pie chart...

Which type of graph is the best display of the percentage of the parts composing a whole?

A circle graph

What data is best displayed on a circle graph?

A circle graph, or pie chart is best used for showing parts of a whole.

Which graph would best show parts of something that sum up to a meaningful whole?

Circle graph

What kind of graph is best for showing how the parts of a whole are divided?

A pie chart.

Which type of graph is best for displaying percentages or parts of a whole?

Often, the pie chart.

Which would be the best graph for displaying parts of a group to a whole group?

A pie chart or stacked bars.

What graph would be best for comparing?

If they things you are comparing part of a whole, pie graph. If not, bar graph.

Information collected by counting can best display on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

Information collected by counting can best be displayed on a?

A bar graph is information that is collected by counting can be displayed on this graph. A pie graph is a graph that shows information as parts of a circle

What is the best graph to use when showing how a part of the data relates to the whole data set is?

Probably a pie (or circle) graph.

What type of graph is best for a survey?

A bar graph or pie chart are commonly used for survey results as they effectively display percentages or frequencies of responses. Bar graphs are useful for comparing data between different categories, while pie charts are helpful for showing the composition of the whole in terms of parts.