The word empirical denotes information gained by means of observation, experience, or experiment.
gained/ has gained
There is not enough information in the question ! It depends entirely on what the interest rate is - and the length of time the interest is applied !
Yes. Some territory was gained on one side, and none was lost on either side.
For calendar year 2013, the Dow gained 26.50% For calendar year 2014, the Dow gained 7.52% For calendar year 2015, the Dow lost 2.23% For calendar year 2016, the Dow gained 13.42%
Obama is dishonest and a lier
There is no certain answer. It could get to any size.
nothing much
Yes, it gained its Independence with certain restrictions.
Its distance.
It gained Independence, but with certain US mandated restrictions.
I gained my freedom from certain death when I severed the beast's last tentacle.
Independence for what country? Your question does not contain enough information to be answered.
The information that is gained through managerial accounting includes: · Information on the costs of a business's products and/or services · Budgets · Performance reports · Information on revenues · Sales back logs · Unit quantities · Demand on capacity resources · Any other information that may assist a manager in his or her planning and control activities
The detective gained useful information by following the trajectory of the bullet.
Empirical data.