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Q: Which type of interest is calculated by adding the interest earned to the principal during specific and agreed upon intervals?
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What type of interest is calculated by adding the interest earned to the principal during specific and agreed intervals?


What type of interest is calculated by adding the interest earned to the principal during specific and agreed upon intervals?


What is a fixed percentage of the principal paid over a specific period of time?

simple interest

Which of these describes the contract between the debtor and the creditor when a bond is sold?

the debtor promises to pay the creditor the borrowed money with interest at fixed intervals over a specific period of time

Is the word principal a proper noun?

No, the noun 'principal' is a common noun, a general word for:first in order of importancethe head of a schoola leading or most important persona sum of money lent or invested on which interest is paidThe noun 'principal' is a proper noun when it is the title of a specific person.

Is principal capitalized if it is a possessive noun?

Yes, "Principal" should be capitalized if it is a specific title or name, even when used as a possessive noun. For example, "Principal Smith's office" would have "Principal" capitalized because it is referring to a specific individual's title.

Is principal capitalize using from a person?

Yes, a principal can be capitalized from a person as a loan or investment. This means that an individual is contributing funds for a specific purpose and expects to receive the original amount back, along with any agreed-upon interest or returns.

What percentage of a mortgage payment is the principal?

Most mortgages are fully amortizing. Meaning the pay the principal down to 0 over the term. Many today have special payment schedules that allow lower payments originally, even less than the interest due so the principal even grows while your making payments.On just about any mortgage, the amount of the payment that is principal vs interest changes literally with every payment. You need to refer to an amortization schedule for your specific rate and terms.Standardly at first virtually the entire payment is interest. The last few years virtually the entire payment is principal.

What is the term used for a specific sum of money paid out at specific time Intervals?

What is the term used for a specific sum of money paid out at specific time Intervals ?Options : (A) Tax(B) Fee(C) Charity(D) Installment

What is the term used fora specific sum of money paid out at specific Intervals?


What is the term used for a specific sum of money paid at specific intervals?

D - Installment

Why won't my bank let me make a principal only payment on my loan?

Banks have specific policies in place that may not allow principal-only payments on loans as they rely on interest accumulation for profit. It's important to review your loan agreement and discuss options with your bank to understand their limitations and potential alternatives for early repayment.