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They are parallel lines.

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Q: Which type of lines are 4x plus 6y equals 12 and 2x plus 3y equals -6?
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What type of lines are these y equals 2x plus 4 and x plus 2y equals 12?

They are straight lines.

Whadt type of lines are these x-3y equals -3 and 6x plus 2y equals -12?

Perpendiculat straight lines.

What type of lines are these x-3y equals -3 and 6x plus 2y equals -12?


What type of line is x plus 2y plus 6 and 4y equals 2x-12?

It is not one, but they are two perpendicular lines.

What type of lines are these y equals 2x plus 4 and 12 equals 2y plus x?

If: 12 = 2y+x then y = -1/2x+6 So: y = 2x+4 and y = -1/2x+6 which means that they are perpendicular lines

What does 12 plus 12 plus 12 plus 12 plus 12 plus 12 equals?

it equals 72. just do 12 X 6

What is 6 plus 12 plus 12 plus 16 plus 24 equals?

it equals 70

How many solutions exist for the system of equation x plus 6y equals 12 plus 2x plus 12y equals 1?

zero solutions. If you plot these two lines, you will see that they are parallel and do not intersect.

What is 12 plus 9 equals?

12 plus 9 equals 21.

plus plus equals 24?


What is the answer to this problem If 1 plus 5 equals 12 and 2 plus 10 equals 24 and 3 plus 15 equals 36 then 5 plus 25 equals what?

5 plus 25 equals 60. Need to solve for 5 plus 25 equals ?: 2 plus 10 equals 24 is equivalent to 2 × (1 plus 5) equals 2 × (12); and 3 plus 15 equals 36 is equivalent to 3 ×(1 plus 5) equals 3 × (12); thus 5 plus 25 equals ? is equivalent to 5 × (1 plus 5) equals 5 × (12); thus ? = 5 × 12 = 60.

12 plus 10 plus 11 equals?

12 + 10 + 11 equals 33