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Q: Which type of media would be best for showing the order of significant events in a process?
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What are the negative and positive of media?

positive : convenient negative : some mediums, like internet, are addictive. without the media we would not know anything about the swine flu epedemic or entertainment. The media consists of the radio, TV, newspaper, internet, etc... The media provides info. on world occurring events. Sometimes from sports all the way to a new song from a new artist

What are the positive effects of mass media communications on society?

One of the first positive effects, is that mass media keeps people informed of any recent events within a short amount of time. When, for example, a politician is assassinated, you will hear this immediately, so that you will know what is going on. Media keeps you informed. It also helps in other things like entertainment, gaining knowledge etc.

When do you use a diaphragm seal What is the process of measurement and control?

Process measurement sensors are not indestructible. Not even the most rugged device is fully immune to the chemical nature of process media or the kinetic impact associated with fluid composition and movement. Balancing degrees of protection, usually to increase the useful life of the device, with sensor response and accuracy is a frequent challenge in the process measurement and control field. Industrial processes commonly are associated with corrosive or toxic fluids, often at extreme pressure or temperature and containing various levels of solids. Any of these traits can pose substantial risk to process performance and uptime. Operations that process fluids will employ pressure measurement devices to monitor process performance and maintain system safety levels. There are many instances where characteristics of the process and its media are not compatible with pressure measurement devices. Here are some potentially problematic scenarios for pressure measurement instruments: Corrosive media that will prematurely deteriorate the pressure sensing element. Viscous or fibrous media, also those that may crystallize or polymerize, posing a risk of clogging channels, tubes, and orifices of pressure measurement devices. Media temperature that is beyond the rated range for the pressure measurement device has a potential to damage the instrument or cause error in the pressure reading. A measuring point that is remotely located from where a technician may need to observe the reading. Also conceivable, the pressure measurement device needs to be located away from other potentially damaging environmental conditions. The process requirements dictate specific hygienic requirements that are cause for the measurement device to be isolated from the medium. Toxic or otherwise hazardous media that must be contained. Excursions of system pressure may exceed the acceptable range of the instrument, potentially damaging the device. A solution which can provide protection from the items listed above, while still maintaining instrument response and accuracy is a diaphragm seal. Seals are placed between the pressure measurement device and the process media. The space between the diaphragm, which is flexible, and the sensor is filled with a fluid that will hydraulically transfer the pressure condition on the process side of the diaphragm to the sensor. The diaphragm serves as a physical barrier between the potentially damaging media and the instrument. Diaphragm seals are available in a wide variety of configurations to accommodate any media type or connection requirement. Seal selection involves specifying the connections and form factor to properly mate the diaphragm with the instrument and the process, then selecting the diaphragm material that will be compatible with the media. The best way to achieve a positive solution is to share your requirements with a qualified assembler. They can help select the right diaphragm seal and mate it up with a pressure gauge, providing a complete assembly that is ready to be installed in your process.

What is the difference between animation and graphs?

both are pictorial representations of the movement of something.In the case of a graph, the movement is shown by a (curved) line connecting the two or more parameters.In the case of an animation, the media will be video of some sort, with pictures showing the variation of the result as the parameters are varied.

Distinguish between above the line media and bellow the line media?

Above the line media is traditional mass media formats, such as tv, radio, bilboards and newspapers. Above the line media is much more expensive than below the line media due to its vast size. Therefore, if it the target market is large and difficult to define use above the line media and if the target market is limited and specific use below the line media. Below the line media is essentially nontraditional media, such as blimps, gifts with purchases, leaflets or banners on shopping carts.

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What is media for?

The media is used for showing out information to the world. The media can be used for advertising, informing and many others.

When was Process Media created?

Process Media was created in 2005.

How does the Hindenburg disaster show the affects of different types of media on single story?

By showing that each media type gives the audience a different experience.

What is media USED FOR?

The media is used for showing out information to the world. The media can be used for advertising, informing and many others.

What is relationship between local media and global media?

Local media focuses on news and events within a specific region, while global media covers events on an international scale. Local media often provides a more detailed and in-depth analysis of local issues, while global media offers a broader perspective on worldwide events. The relationship between the two can help audiences understand how local events are interconnected with global issues.

The Role of Law in Media in India?

The role of law is to restrict media from showing undercover things and cause a problem

What happens during the process when you stream media?

The process of stream media happens when you go onto a website where video/sound media is available. You must click the button to stream the media, your computer will download it and then process it for you to use.

What are the two types of reporting isolation events are observer-reported and media reporting?


The 2 ypes of reporting isolating events are observer reported and media reporting?

Correct! Observer-reported events are when individuals directly witness and report an event, while media reporting involves events being reported through news outlets or other forms of media.

What events does Bristol Media have planned for the next year?

There are several events planned by Bristol Media for the next year. Some events scheduled for July are Edwina Ashton/Midnight at the Watering Hole an the Introduction to the InDesign Course.

What area of police civil liability received a significant amount of media attention in the late 1990s?

Racial Profiling received a significant amount of media attention in the late 1990s.

It istrue or falsethat without mass media the public wouldn't have any idea what was going on in the world?

False. While mass media plays a significant role in informing the public about global events, there are other sources of information such as social media, internet, word of mouth, and official government channels that also contribute to keeping the public informed.